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Art in Action: Toward a Christian Aesthetic
by Nicholas Wolterstorff
His conviction that art should be multifunction is basic to the author's views on art in the city (he regards most American cities as dehumanizing wastelands of aesthetic squalor, dominated by the demands of the automobile), and leads him to a helpful discussion of its role in worship and the churchRArt represents a deeper function in the cultural life of a community.Over and over when surveying representational art we are confronted with the obvious fact that the artist is not merely projecting a world which has caught his private fancy, but a world true in significant respects to what his community believes to be real and important (144).Quite often, life presents itself in a murky gray of confusionWhy do we pursue art? What constitutes a work of art compared to just work? How does the productization of art alter its form? Can an artist be professional and be an artist? What is the role of beauty in art? Does art demand contemplation?Nicholas Wolterstorff approaches these questions theologically in Art in Action.Wolterstorff breaks down his argument into three basic partsEnter your name: The subject field is requiredMore About Nicholas WolterstorffAndreas Forslund rated it really liked it Jul 24, 2013 Tags Add tagsfor"Art in action : toward a Christian aesthetic"BurrowsLimited preview - 2005All Book Search results »
Finally, he journeys toward a Christian approach to aesthetic contemplation.Ultimately, Wolsterstorff presents his thesis quickly and succinctly:In this essay, I want to argue, on the contrary, that works of art are objects and instruments of actionMaybe a brick but not the buildingSep 17, 2006 I am a graduate student in the fine arts at a major university in the United StatesThe greatest strength in this volume is in it's primary thesis: namely, that the typical impulse to restrict what constitutes as "artwork" to our modern "institution of high art" (basically, the assumption that *artwork* is only the sort of thing that is created for the sole purpose of aesthetic *contemplation*) is mistaken, and symptomatic of our ignorant participation of the "institution of high art," which claims exclusivityReviews - What do our customers think?Eerdmans Publishing, 1980ISBN0802818161, 9780802818164Length240 pagesSubjectsArt:Subjects & Themes:ReligiousArt / Subjects & Themes / ReligiousReligion / Philosophy  Export CitationBiBTeXEndNoteRefManIn contrast to his ideas about the purposes of art, high culture today, he suggests, is centered in academia, having close ties to our intellectual elite (23)Search WorldCat Find items in libraries near you Advanced Search Find a Library Your list has reached the maximum number of itemsSo go forth and create.Originally published at .more flag 1 likeLike see review View 1 comment Like many good philosophy books, it makes you question some things you've always taken for granted
Blake Stockard rated it really liked it Jun 25, 2015 About the author(1980)Nicholas Wolterstorff is Noah Porter Professor Emeritus ofPhilosophical Theology at Yale UniversityA must read for anyone interested in that topic - or in the "purpose" of art in generalShop Now RNew Testament Studies John Studies Jesus Studies Criticism History Introduction / S Pages 240 EstShop Now I read it for a discussion group, and I think that really helped me internalize it and see how to apply the concepts to my philosophies about art 3c157b94b8