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Hammer.js jquery drag example: >> << (download)
hammerjs drag and drop
hammer js pan scroll
hammer js threshold
hammer.js vertical scroll
hammer js rotate example
hammer.js swipe example
hammer js pan example
hammer js press example
Extensions. jQuery plugin · Angular.js directive · Emulate multi-touch. Examples. Some example implementations to get you started. Basic implementation · Basic
27 Aug 2013 I Googled to find a few different frameworks from jQuery mobile to Wipetouch as //hammer.js //Swipe Hammer(red).on("swipeleft", function()
5. var el = document.getElementById('container');. 6. ?. 7. var hammer = new Hammer(el, {. 8. drag_min_distance: 0,. 9. drag_horizontal: true,. 10. drag_vertical:
30 janv. 2014 le Tap et le Double Tap; le Drag; le Swipe (Drag rapide); le Hold; le Transform (le zoom) hammer.fakemultitouch.js : permet de simuler le multitouch en On integre d'abord toutes les librairies liees a jQuery et a Hammer.js.
<html>. <head>. . .
30 Dec 2014 In Hammer.js v2.0.x, it seems its "pan" instead of "drag". content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <title>jQuery UI Droppable - Default
So I am working up an example for a client to convert their prior web application which was done in Flex / Flash to a HTML5 mobile / tablet app. This app relies
You can touch this! Hammer helps you add support for touch gestures to your page, and remove the 300ms delay from clicks. Use the original Hammer.js for
Drag an item around with Hammer.js Forked from [Jorik Tangelder]('s Pen [Basic Hammer.js example](
22 Jul 2015 There is an official HTML5 drag and drop API in the works. .. Two interesting jQuery UI interactions we can apply to DOM elements are draggable and . Hammer.js is a library that implements a variety of gesture events,