Thursday 31 August 2017 photo 11/44
Perl xmpp example: >> << (download)
sendxmpp is a perl-script to send xmpp (jabber), similar to what mail(1) does for mail. sendxmpp is in use on computers around the globe, for example for
22 Apr 2011 I've been playing around with the Net::XMPP Perl library, and in spite of its poor documentation, I decided that I was going to hack away with it
25 Feb 2011 Excellent library for manipulating a bot using XMPP. For those who have used Net::XMPP, this module will be easy to adapt to. I will be posting
Net::XMPP provides a Perl user with access to the Extensible Messaging and in the example directory that provide you with examples of very simple XMPP
An implementation of the XMPP Protocol. AnyEvent::XMPP::Error - Error class hierarchy for error reporting; AnyEvent::XMPP::Error::Exception - Some
There are many bad examples doing that on the web, and you should not follow them if The following modules can be used to interact with the XMPP / Jabber
13 Mar 2010 I found some code on the 'net which used Net::XMPP::Client to create the This is an example of the string used to authenticate to gtalk:
22 Jan 2006 Coding a Jabber Bot in Perl. I finally got it to work and it is not so difficult with the right packages (Net::XMPP) and parameters View Code
history of Net-XMPP. Contribute to Net-XMPP development by creating an account on GitHub. Net-XMPP/examples/ Fetching contributors print "nperl <server>
<resource> nn";. exit(0);.
morgon has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question: Hi,. I can't figure out how to set a presence with Net::XMPP. Just a guess, based on this example posted in the CPAN doc:.
morgon has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question: Hi,. I can't figure out how to set a presence with Net::XMPP. Just a guess, based on this example posted in the CPAN doc:.