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God's not dead chords pdf: >> http://gaz.cloudz.pw/download?file=god's+not+dead+chords+pdf << (Download)
God's not dead chords pdf: >> http://gaz.cloudz.pw/read?file=god's+not+dead+chords+pdf << (Read Online)
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Em7 Dsus G. Let love ex-plode and bring the dead to life. Am7 G C. A love so bold to see a revo-lution somehow. Pre-Chorus. D(4) Em7 D(4). Now I'm lost in Your freedom. Chorus1. D N.C.. My God's not dead He's surely alive. Em7. And He's living on the inside roaring like a lion. D(4). My God's not dead He's surely alive.
God's Not Dead by Newsboys. Intro (3x): Em D G. (optional: “God's not dead" different voices randomly, no guitar, about 3 to five times followed by brief silence then chords restart). Intro (3x): Em D G. Verse 1: Em. D. G. Let love explode and bring the dead to life. Am. Em. C. A love so bold to see a revol-u-tion somehow.
Jan 17, 2012 Capo 4. Intro: Em D G G. Verse 1: Em D G Let love explode and bring the dead to life. Am G A love so bold. C To see a revolution somehow. Em D G Let love explode and bring the dead to life. Am G A love so bold. C To see a revolution somehow. Pre- Chorus D Em Now I'm lost in your freedom. D C
www.kidung.com. Page 1. God's Not Dead (Like A Lion). Newsboys. Key = C. Tempo 130. Intro : |Am7 |G |C |C | x3. Verse 1 : Am7. G. C. Let love explode and bring the dead to life. Dm. Am. F. A love so bold to see a revolution somehow. Interlude 1 : |Am7 |G |C |C |. Verse 2 : Am7. G. C. Let love explode and bring the dead to
Chorus 2x: NC(F#). My God's not dead He's surely alive. G#m. He's living on the inside roaring like a lion. Instrumental 1x: (He's. G#m. Roaring, He's. F# roaring, He's. B roaring like a lion). Verse 2: G#m. Let hope a. F# rise and make the d. B arkness hide. C#m. My faith is d. G#m ead, I need a resur. E rection somehow
dead to life. C#m7. A love so. B. bold to see a revo. E. lution somehow. REPEAT INTRO & VERSE 1. Pre-Chorus. F#add4. Now I'm lost in Your. G#m. freedom. F#add4. This world I'll. E. overcome. Chorus. My. F#. God's not dead He's surely alive. He's. G#m7. living on the inside roaring like a lion. My. F#. God's not dead
Capo 4 - The recording is in Ab minor. *There is no chord sounding here but if there was it would be D [Intro] Em D G Em D G Em D G [Verse 1] Em D G Let love explode and bring the dead to li.
PROMETHEAN STUDIOS •. W W W . D A L L A S M U S I C L E S S O N S . C O M. •. 972-422-3362. God's not dead. Newsboys. |g#m. |F#. |B. |. |g#m. |F#. |B. |. |g#m. |F# My God's not dead, He's surely alive. |g#m mark (/) will indicate the different beats of the measure and the written chord name will also take up one of.
Gods Not Dead tab (version 4) by Newsboys at GuitareTab.com.
Gods Not Dead by Newsboys chords. One clean accurate version. No abusive ads. Recommended by The Wall Street Journal.