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Teachers' conceptions of mathematics and their instructional practices: >>'+conceptions+of+mathematics+and+their+instructional+practices << (Download)
Teachers' conceptions of mathematics and their instructional practices: >>'+conceptions+of+mathematics+and+their+instructional+practices << (Read Online)
mathematics (Begle, 1972, 1978; Eisenberg, 1977). The questions of how teachers integrate their knowledge of mathematics into instructional practice and what role their conception of mathematics might play in teaching have largely been ignored. With regard to research on teaching in general, Shavelson and Stem (1981)
The study's goal was to assess these students' procedural and conceptual knowledge of mathematics, as well as their ideas and practices regarding the teaching of mathematics. The researchers wanted to describe their knowledge, beliefs, thinking, and actions related to the teaching of mathematics over the entire period.
This article investigates secondary school teachers' conceptions of mathematics and their teaching practices in the use of graphing calculators in their mathematics classrooms. Case studies on three teacher participants were developed using quantitative and qualitative data that consisted of self-assessments on beliefs in
Teachers' Conceptions of Mathematics and their Instructional Practices. Nahid Golafshani. <>. Ontario Institute for Studies in Education / University of Toronto. Introduction. In this paper will discuss teachers' conceptions about the nature of mathematics and its influences on their teaching
Determined that the conceptions of mathematics and mathematics instruction held by three junior high school teachers played a significant role in shaping their instructional behavior. Differences among the teachers in their conceptions and practices are explained followed by a discussion of properties of their conceptual
with regards to their conceptions in mathematics education (curriculum, instruc- tion, and assessment) and student diversity (ability, culture, language, and socioe- conomic status). It is clear from research that teachers' conceptions of mathematics content, instruction, and assessment are strongly linked to classroom practice
University of Florida. The purpose of this study v^as to explore teachers' conceptions about assessment and their actual assessment practices. The sample for the study consisted of 269 mathematics teachers in Grades 1 through 4 in a southeastern state. The teachers completeda cross-sectional, Likert-scale survey. Using.
18 Dec 2017 Examination of the relationship between conceptions and practice showed that the teachers' beliefs, views, and preferences about mathematics and its teaching played a significant, albeit subtle, role in shaping their instructional behavior. Differences among the teachers in their conceptions and practices
Teachers' Conception | this paper will discuss teachers' conceptions about the nature of mathematics and its influences on their teaching practices through the relevant literature. It will particularly refer to Hersh (1986) -- focussing on the nature of mathematics, teachers' conceptions of nature of m
Examination of the relationship between conceptions and practice showed that the teachers' beliefs, views, and preferences about mathematics and its teaching played a significant, albeit subtle, role in shaping their instructional behavior. Differences among the teachers in their conceptions and practices are explained