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How long to clear credit report: >> << (download)
how long does negative information stay on your credit report
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10 May 2010 Luckily, there are set time frames for how long negative information remains on a credit report. In general, negative information more than seven years old from the date of last activity (ten years for bankruptcies) must be removed from your file.
9 Nov 2016 In short, what works is writing a pay for delete letter, waiting it out and asking for How Long Do Late Payments Stay on Your Credit Reports?
How long will my medical bills remain on my credit report? If I pay a collection debt, and the collection company says they will delete it from my credit report,
16 Aug 2010 Is there anyway that this can be removed from your credit report. It is just to much How long can they continue to pass these accounts around.
How Long Does Information Stay on My Credit Report. Written by EFXModerator_KB on September 3, 2013. credit score, credit report. Posted on in. AddThis
16 Aug 2017 Your credit rating and report is what lenders look at when they decide what to offer you. Long-term living in one place, ideally owned rather than rented. sure to clear balances regularly to avoid sky high interest charges.
30 Nov 2016 An account could have an inaccurate date after it's sent to a collection agency, who often give debts a new date when reporting to the credit bureau. This is illegal and you're well within your right to have the account removed as long as the original date of delinquency was more than seven years ago.
How do you get an old debt removed from your credit report? How much time? For delinquencies, "most of the (bureaus) are set up to automatically delete
The Act specifies how long this information may be kept on your credit profile. Payment history may be kept for two years. Adverse listings varies from 2-5 years.