Sunday 17 June 2012 photo 3/3
Did you hear this story?
A girl went to justin's concert, and after the concert, she got raped. She was crying at the street for 3 days, And all she had was $10. She couldn't find her way home, and her parents thought she was staying at a hotel. After a while, they went looking for her, and she got told that her mon had been killed in a car accident. They story come out on twitter, Justin mer her, she told him the story, and they cried together. They also went eating dinner together, and now Justin is playing psychological support for her. Now hatarrs: what do you really think you are? You sit home gaming, killing people on the screen and hate on boy with a heart. He makes people smile everyday, he helps people through hard times and he cares for everyone, and you? You use your time on say something mean about justin, look at yourself first, and ask yourself if you really are better - because most of you are not. I love you Justin Drew Bieber now and forever!! <3 förlåt för kanske stavfel och så vidare men jag tyckte bara att detta va en viktig information!!<3
Comment the photo
Mon 18 Jun 2012 10:34
Haters gonna hate ;)
Ska sprida den över alla grupper nuuuu :D <3
Ska sprida den över alla grupper nuuuu :D <3
Sun 17 Jun 2012 16:07
Fan man kan inte göra något annat än att älska honom<3
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