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The book is an introduction to the physical principles of modern semiconductor devices and their advanced fabrication technology. It is intended as a textbook for undergradu- ate students in applied physics, electrical and electronics engineering, and materials sci- ence. It can also serve as a reference for practicing
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4 Feb 2015 Semiconductor Device Physics and Design. UMESH K. MISHRA. University of California, Santa Barbara, CA, USA and. JASPRIT SINGH. The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA by
3RD EDITION. Semiconductor. Devices. Physics and Technology. S. M. SZE. EtronTech Distinguished Chair Professor. College of Electrical and Computer Engineering. National Chiao Tung University. Hsinchu, Taiwan. M. K. LEE. Professor. Department of Electrical Engineering. National Sun Yat-sen University. Kaohsiung
The awaited revision of Semiconductor Devices: Physics and Technology offers more than 50% new or revised material that reflects a multitude of important discoveries and advances in device physics and - Selection from Semiconductor Devices: Physics and Technology, 3rd Edition [Book]