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The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Roots of Christianity and Islam: Re-erecting the Fallen Tent of David in the Land North of Damascus
by Robert Eisenman
rating: 4.0 (2 reviews)
Robert Eisenman is the author of The James the Brother of Jesus and the Dead Sea Scrolls series (2012), The New Testament Code: The Cup of the Lord, the Damascus Covenant, and the Blood of Christ (20
Amazon rank: #519,865
Price: $4.99
bound: 77 pages
Publisher: Grave Distractions Publications; 2 edition (February 18, 2014)
Language: English
File size: 319 KB
The Dead Sea Scrolls And The Roots Of Christianity And Islam: Re-erecting The Fallen Tent Of David In The Land North Of Damascus
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Sea Scrolls and the Roots of Christianity and Islam: Re-Erecting the Fallen Tent of David in the Land North of Damascus Authentic Apocrypha (Dead Sea Scrolls .Books by Robert H. Eisenman. . The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Roots of Christianity and Islam: Re-Erecting the Fallen Tent of David in the Land North of Damascus by .. the Dead Sea Scrolls and . Dead Sea Scrolls The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Roots of Christianity and Islam: . Fallen Tent of David in the Land North of Damascus . 81186be442
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