Production, Growth, and the Environment: An Economic Approach
by William L. Weber
rating: 5.0 (1 reviews)
Written in a way that facilitates understanding of complex concepts, laws, and policy, Production, Growth, and the Environment: An Economic Approach explores how economic growth usually makes people better off, but also asks at what environmental cost? These costs are not often realized until after the fact, when their remediation is more expensive, and sometimes not reversible. Very few books on environmental economics model the joint production of desirable and undesirable outcomes in any depth. This book fills that void. It discusses the demographic transition and the escape from the Malthusian trap. It also covers the environmental Kuznets curve hypothesis that examines the relation between polluting outputs and economic welfare.
The book integrates environmental valuation methods with the production possibility frontier (PPF) approach. It presents both types of outcomes in a PPF framework that accounts for scarcity and allows the concepts of technical and allocative efficiencies to be introduced and measured. The PPF can then measure technological progress/regress and can be used to measure whether resource use is sustainable over time. It can also be used to determine shadow prices for non-market desirable outputs such as ecological services and non-market undesirable by-products such as SO2, NOx, and CO<SUB>2</SUB> that arise from fossil fuel combustion.
The beauty of the PPF framework is that it can be depicted in simple two-dimensional diagrams that make the concepts easy to understand. The author uses this framework to introduce concepts such as technical efficiency, allocative efficiency, technological progress/regress, shadow pricing, externalities, public goods, pollution taxes, and permits. In addition, each chapter has numerous problems and discussion questions that provide examples and practice in using the introduced theories. The book also includes a chapter that shows how the solver routine in Excel can be used to measure technical and allocative efficiency. This gives you the tools to examine all outcomes and therefore make a decision that takes into account the environmental challenges along with any economic benefits.
Details:Price: $79.04bound: 360 pagesPublisher: CRC Press; 1 edition (April 1, 2017)Language: EnglishISBN-10: 1138075094ISBN-13: 978-1138075092Weight: 1.5 pounds
Production, Growth, and the Environment: An Economic Approach William L. Weber
Randers, and D.L[Links]Hirsch,Social Limits to Growth(Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1976)Figure 1: Development of key indicators for the environmental economy and the overall economy, EU-28, 200014(2000 = 100)Source: Eurostat (envacegss1), (envacegss2), (nama10gdp) and (nama10a10e) Figure 2: Employment in the environmental economy, by domain, EU-28, 200014(thousand full-time equivalents)Source: Eurostat (envacegss1) Table 1: Employment, production and value added in the environmental economy, by activity, EU-28, 2014Source: Eurostat (envacegss3) Figure 3: Gross value added of the environmental economy, by activity, EU-28, 2014(%)Source: Eurostat (envacegss3) Figure 4: Gross value added of the environmental economy, by domain, EU-28, 200014(EUR billion)Source: Eurostat (envacegss2) This article presents statistics on employment and growth for the European Unions (EUs) environmental economy, as defined in the European environmental accounts, and particularly in the environmental goods and services (EGSS) accountsOutput consists of the value of goods or services that have been produced that become available for use outside the producer unit, any goods and services produced for own final use, and goods that remain in inventories at the end of the period in which they are producedAltvater (1992) was one of the first, if not the sole author of this current that seeks to integrate this fact of environmental limits to growth into a theoretical framework that explains international inequality; he advocates the thesis that central countries, aware of the limits to the availability of resources, perpetuate the underdevelopment of other countries (especially by manipulating external debt), with the aim of maintaining them only as producers of raw materials, thus preventing them from becoming consumers competing for scarce resources!Added to these materials are those produced artificially, an already huge number of new substances whose impacts on ecosystems and directly on humans are not well known, such as POPs (Persistent Organic Pollutants), hormone-mimicking molecules, etcSchor,The Overspent American: Why We Want What We Don’t Need(New York: Basic Books, 1998)Allen KN 07f867cfac Tags: free eReader touch how download reader, book in English, download english, book MediaFire, pdf download full book, free docx, audio find store price download, book without payment, book french, free mobile, book 4Shared, book for Windows Phone, book google docs, read without register, mobile ebook, direct link book mp3 find how download, book zipshare, download without account, download free cloud, book book free from xiaomi, free macbook read, download torrent, book german, book zipshare, book Box, francais ebook access online offline, book 4Shared, book ipad free, mobile pdf, book without pay