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Napoleonic miniatures painting guide: >> << (Download)
Napoleonic miniatures painting guide: >> << (Read Online)
7 Apr 2014
The Napoleonic Guide is proud to give you these tips from no lesser personage than Anthony Barton - one of the creators of the highly acclaimed AB range of miniatures figures. Napoleonics. People often ask how I paint my figures, such as the ones shown on the right. Obviously special care has been lavished on these, but
Painting tips from Anthony Barton. Napoleonic Guide editor Richard Moore offers some suggestions on the basic things needed to either paint your own figures, or get them professionally done. Work area. Ideally you'll have an area that will be a permanent painting spot. Your own bedroom or study is the best place.
Napoleonic Painting Tips. Posted by DAKfreak on Fri Jan 24, 2014 11:12 pm. Hi I hope you're all doing well. Checking out some of the amazing work on the gallery, I was compelled to start my own Napoleonic saga. For those of you who are masters in this era, I was wondering what are your Top 3 favorite shades of blue
29 Aug 2011 Modelling Tips & Ideas. This is a painting project with 27th Enniskillens from the Waterloo period. I am painting a set of Perry Miniatures plastic models, building them straight from the box, using the different components to produce a British firing line. To build the models I've simply given them a good clean
3 Feb 2014 Below you will find a connoisseur standard painting guide for 28mm British Napoleonic infantry. Simply select the thumbnails in turn. The full text for the guid.
3 Feb 2017
10 Aug 2011
9 Dec 2015 Peruse this fantastic guide by Laurens Vannijvel of Abrushwithbattles fame, as he takes you through the steps to completing a battalion in a weekend: Russian Line Complete1. Laurens: Above and before all else (and before all those lovely Cossacks, Licornes and Jaegers) a budding Russian Napoleonic