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Team America: World Police Movie In Hindi Hd Free Download
DOWNLOAD: http://urllio.com/qzkkx
Team America follows an international police force dedicated to maintaining global stability. Learning that power hungry dictator Kim Jong Il (Parker) is out to destroy the world, the team recuits Broadway star Gary Johnston (Parker) to go undercover. With the help of Team America (Stone, Miller, Masasa, Parker, and Norris), Gary manages to slip into an arms dealer's hideout to uncover the plan to destroy the world. Will Team America be able to save the world?
Popular Broadway actor Gary Johnston is recruited by the elite counter-terrorism organization Team America: World Police. As the world begins to crumble around him, he must battle with terrorists, celebrities and falling in love.
I love the way this movie is going over peoples heads. From IMDb reviewers to the famed Roger Ebert himself, this movie separates the yokels from the open minded comedy fans..exactly what Matt and Trey had in mind, I'm sure.
For starters I give credit to the two for doing something fresh. I cant remember the last time I sat in the theater and thought "This is something I've never seen before". I was saying that through the whole film. I know the guys didn't invent puppets..but they sure reinvented them for a whole new generation, and for that they rock.
Secondly, this movie is funny. Very funny. I don't know why people around the world thought this movie was going to be Farenhieht 911 with puppets..its just a comedy. Sure, it has some world figures and current event ties in the story, but so what. I hate to break it to Ebert and the rest of the people who didn't get this movie..but there is nothing political about Hans Blix being eaten by sharks. There is no political statement being made by a puppet vomiting in an alley numerous times, or two puppets having sex, it's just funny.
And everyone is so freaked about the portrayal of Hollywood actors in this movie...these people have never seen South Park or heard Matt and Trey interviewed. They cant stand ultra-rich celebrities,whos main talent is pretending, that push their politics on us normal folks. And I agree with them..and applaud their balls(Ha!) for showing famous people for what they really are inside(Barbara Striesand)and making it hilarious.
With great music, killer jokes, and amazing visual comedy, Team America is one of a kind.
My rating...8 out of 10. F*** YEAH!
Wow! when I heard about this I thought It would be so stupid. I just went to see it on 11/5 it was great. when something comes from the creator of south park it has to be sick, foul, and extremely funny. This is all true about Team America. From puppet sex to blowing up national monuments I was howling non stop. they make kim jong ill look like a complete idiot. you find out all about the characters and there completely stupid pasts. This is for sure not the kind of movie you take kids to. When somebody gets killed in this movie it is hilarious the way puppets explode. If your offended by stupid crude humor or south park this isn't your movie as I said before if you only see one puppet movie this season see this one
The puppets are anatomically correct and politically incorrect. They provide 45 of the funniest minutes I've spent at the movies this year.
Basically the only difference is the sex scene between Gary and Lisa. To obtain an R-Rating the infamous puppet sex scene was done in an over the top fashion and then defused to a slightly less offensive version. The Unrated version features the original sequence and runs approx. 40 seconds longer than the theatrical version. a5c7b9f00b
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