Saturday 12 May 2007 photo 2/2
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kyssa? LAST PERSON: 1. slept in your bed besides you?: Erik :) 2. whos bed you slept in?: Elins 3. saw you cry?: mamma 4. you saw a movie with?: Erik 5. you went to the mall with?: Mamma 6. you went to dinner with?: grillning med vännerna. 7. you talked on the phone with?: Elin 8. broke your heart?: :'( 9. made you laugh?: någon rolig kille jag träffade igår :D ABOUT YOU! 1. what time is it? 15.30 2. name? Amanda 3. nickname(s):Kitty 4. where were you born? falun 5. what is your birthdate? 26 september 6. what do you want? PENGAR, sprit och cigg :D 7. where do you want to live? Göteborg <3 8. how many kids do you want? två eller tre 9. you want to get married? ja UNIQUE! 1. nervous habits: inga tvångstankar men massa fobier 2. can you roll your tongue? nä 3. can you raise one eyebrow? tyvärr inte längre 4. can you cross your eyes? ja 5. do you make your bed daily? ja 6. which shoe goes on first? höger? 7. ever thrown one at someone? hehe yeass 8. on average, how much money do you carry with you? 100-200:- 9. what jewelry do you wear? döskallehalsband OTHER 1. do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? cut 3. favorite ice cream: en svåring! 4. do you cook? ja IN THE LAST MONTH, HAVE YOU? (YES OR NO) 1. had sex: ja 2. bought something you didn't need: ja 3. kissed someone: ja 4. sang in front of people: ja 5. been hugged: ja 6. felt stupid: ja!! 7. missed someone: ja 8. got drunk: ja 9. got high: nej 10. danced crazy: ja 11. got your hair cut: nej 12. cried: ja 13. lied: ja