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Dixell xr60cx manual pdf: >> << (Download)
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(DEF) To start a manual defrost (UP): To see the max. The Dixell XR-40CX (High Temperature) and XR-60CX (Medium and Low Temperature) are fully configurable electronic refrigeration controllers.Installation and Operations Manual Programming XR-40CX or XR-60CX Dixell Electronic Controller Front Panel Commands
In case of failure or faulty operation send the instrument back to the distributor or to “Dixell S.p.A." (see address) with a detailed description of the fault. •. Consider the maximum current which can be applied to each relay (see Technical Data). •. Ensure that the wires for probes, loads and the power supply are separated and
This manual is part of the product and should be kept near the instrument for easy and quick reference. •. The instrument shall not be used for purposes different from those described hereunder. It cannot be used as a safety device. •. Check the application limits before proceeding. •. Dixell Srl reserves the right to change the
Dixell. Installing and Operating Instructions. 1592020062. XR60CX. 1/10. XR60CX. 1. ??????????????. ????? ??? ??????? ?? ??????. • ?? ???????? ?? ?????????????????? ????????????????? ??? . ?????? ????????????????????????? ????????? ?????. ? ?????. • ?? ?? ?????? ???????????????? ??????????????????? ???????? ???.
1592020060 XR60CX RU r1.1 05.03.2007.doc. XR60C. 1/4. Цифровой контроллер с управлением оттайкой и вентиляторами. XR60CX. СОДЕРЖАНИЕ. 1. ОБЩИЕ ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЯ В случае отказа или неправильной работы, верните прибор фирме-продавцу или в “Dixell. S.r.l." (см. адрес) с детальным
This manual is part of the product and should be kept near the instrument for easy and quick reference. •. The instrument shall not be used for purposes different from those described hereunder. It cannot be used as a safety device. •. Check the application limits before proceeding. •. Dixell Srl reserves the right to change the
dIXEL. Installatie en gebruikershandleiding. Frigro NV. XR60CX. 1/5. Digitale regelaar met ontdooi en ventilator management. XR60CX. INHOUDSOPGAVE. 1. ALGEMENE . geventileerd worden tijdens de periode dat de compressor af is dankzij de parameters Fon en FoF. Als Dixell S.p.A. Z.I. Via dell'Industria, 27.
This manual is part of the product and should be kept near the instrument for easy and quick reference. • The instrument shall not be used for purposes different from those described hereunder. It cannot be used as a safely device. • Check the application limits before proceeding. | 12 A SAFETY PRECAUTIONS |.
Leverandor: Dixell. Informasjon: engelsk installasjonsanvisning. Filstorrelse: XR60CX-GB.pdf (5 sider / 1023kB). Publisert: April 2015. Filvedlegg: XR60CX-GB.pdf, [ Forhandsvis ]. Ga tilbake. Denne dokumentasjonen ble sist gjennomgatt august 2015. Copyright © 2017 Moderne Kjoling AS. All rights reserved.
1592020060 XR60CX RU r1.1 05.03.2007.doc. XR60C. 1/4. Цифровой контроллер с управлением оттайкой и вентиляторами. XR60CX. СОДЕРЖАНИЕ. 1. ОБЩИЕ ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЯ В случае отказа или неправильной работы, верните прибор фирме-продавцу или в “Dixell. S.r.l." (см. адрес) с детальным