Tuesday 17 August 2010 photo 1/1
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Come up with better insults against Justin Bieber
He has no talent: Justin Bieber has an amazing voice. There’s no denying that. He plays the bass, guitar, keyboard and drums all of which he learned in his early childhood. He speaks French and has a 4.0 GPA. He has continuously impressed us with not only his musical and academic abilities, but also the fact that he can do all of this almost every night on his tour enthusiastically without so much as complaining that he’s tired at such a young age.
He sounds like a girl: He’s fucking 16. When he recorded My World he was 15. I’m sorry he didn’t exactly sound like Barry White yet. Since then his voice broke, but in a good way. I don’t find this insult very tactful as it kinda proves that you haven’t listened to him in about a year. It makes your argument somewhat invalid.
He’s cocky: For someone who is constantly showered upon with praise and told how amazing he is on a regular basis, he is surprisingly down-to-earth (no pun intended). He appreciates what his fans have done for him every day, he thanks them, gives them private concerts/meet and greets when he can, and takes time out of what free time he has to say hello, take pictures, and sign autographs for fans he sees while he has the day off.
He looks like a lesbian: This comment mostly pisses me off because it makes NO SENSE. How exactly can one LOOK like a lesbian? I am not quite sure how your sexual orientation directly correlates with how your face looks but maybe that’s just me. Furthermore, I’m not quite sure how Justin Bieber looks like one.
He’s a “faggot": This is the one we probably hear the most. Which is funny because it makes the least amount of sense of them all. Not only does it contradict the previous assertion that he looks like a lesbian, but I can honestly say that Justin Bieber is probably the straightest guy ever. All he talks about is girls. His songs are about girls. He flirts ALL FUCKING DAY with girls. Moreover, even if he was gay, how is this an insult? I don’t see why this is the biggest and most commonly used insult we see against Jbiebz.
So, I mean, if you dislike Justin Bieber’s music that’s cool. He’s not for everyone and you’re entitled to your own musical opinion, but please, please come up with better reasons to hate him. We’re sick of hearing the same shit.
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2: Bieber är så smörig i alla sina videos och jg äcklas utav att se och höra honom, smöra för småflickor är inte så svårt..

Justin har inte gjort er nått, du och dom andra som "hatar" han är lika besatta som fans ;) Helt jävla sjukt att man lägger ner tid på att hata en sextonåring som inte ens gjort er nått?
Han lever sitt liv, medans ni bryr er så mycket om att ni vill att han ska dödas,blablablablablablaaaaa..
Skulle bli kul att se hur ni försöker tränga dig genom till Justin sötnosen (om du ens är i hans närhet hahah) medans hans livvakter tar ner dig HAHAHA. :] Alla JB haters,feeelll dissed !

jag skulle aldrig i mitt liv försöka vidröra bieber elr ens vilja lyssna på hans musik, visst 200m avstånd med en långdistansgevär men inte annars.
alla snackar skit om bieber men du är väll för blåögd för att inse att han kommer att vara ute om 1 år..
känn dig ägd av allmänheten...

De gillar honom endast för att han är söt, rik och sjunger om tjejer. När det sprids rykten om att han blir tillsammans med någon tjej skickar hans "fans" dödshot till henne. Hans "fans" rev också ner ett staket för att komma till honom, staketet kunde träffat honom att skadat honom rejält.
Ungefär 2% av hans fans gillar honom för hans musik och hans musikaliska talanger. End of story.

När jag träffar på någon som kan ge mig ett resonabelt skäl till varför hans musik är unik så kommer jag ändra på mina åsikter.
fuck u :s

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