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Corba dynamic invocation interface java example: >> << (Download)
Corba dynamic invocation interface java example: >> << (Read Online)
OrbixWeb therefore supports a Dynamic Invocation Interface (DII) which allows an In the examples that follow, we create a request for the operation Java import IE.Iona.Orbix2._CORBA; IE.Iona.Orbix2.CORBA._ObjectRef oRef = _CORBA.
The CORBA client application uses DII to send the requests, since it does not have client stubs for the interfaces. Although this technique is useful for invoking operations on a CORBA object whose type is unknown, performance becomes an issue because of the overhead interaction with the Interface Repository.
It should be stressed that the Dynamic Invocation Interface could quite One potential use for DII is in a design tool for creating CORBA applications. of Web pages consisting of static HTML, Dynamic HTML, Java applications, and so on.
In the examples we've seen so far, we've always assumed that the Java The DII is used by a CORBA client to make remote method requests of a server object, The Dynamic Invocation Interface provides abstract representations of remote
The Dynamic Invocation Interface (DII) enables a client program to invoke a method on a CORBA object whose type was unknown at the time the client was written. In other words, a client that uses static invocation declares in advance the types of objects it will invoke.
Hints on using the Dynamic Invocation Interface (DII) which provides methods for inserting values into the CORBA Any type, as in the examples below: which are declared in the files and, respectively.
1 Jul 2002 An important and growing class of applications requires the flexibility provided by Dynamic CORBA features. This column covers the basics of
In this column, we'll cover the basics of the DII (Dynamic Invocation Interface), the The first sample program that ORB providers direct their C++ customers to work with is . The IDL Java Language Mapping later adopted the same function.
In the examples we've seen so far, we've always assumed that the Java interfaces for The DII offers this functionality to clients of CORBA objects, and the DSI The Dynamic Invocation Interface provides abstract representations of remote