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_' g ~ '- orderedmf :be Booman@ L, RObmH?kQM. .Fellow iffbiss?ify; I i'. A'Entz'tuled, Micrographia, or Yfome Phyfiologi al Defcriptions of i. Minute Bodies, made by Magnifying Glaifes, wir Obfervationsnnd. Inquiries thereupon, Be printed o) john Marcyn,a djames Allefi:r"y,` y'. Printers toibe Socity. ` Nm0'23o ' > ` ' F 16611
doi:10.1098/rsta.2009.0265. REVIEW. Micrographia of the twenty-first century: from camera obscura to 4D microscopy. BY AHMED H. ZEWAIL*. Physical Biology Center for Ultrafast Science and Technology, Arthur Amos. Noyes Laboratory of Chemical Physics, California Institute of Technology,. Pasadena, CA 91125, USA.
Robert Hooke. Micrographia : or, Some physiological descriptions of minute bodies made by magnifying glasses. With observations and inquiries thereupon. London : Printed by J. Martyn and J. Allestry, 1665. Item held in the Cole Library at the University of Reading Special Collections Service. The Micrographia, described
Hooke, Micrographia (1665). The Library has digitized the plates for Robert Hooke (1635–1703), Micrographia, or Some Physiological Descriptions of Minute Bodies Made by Magnifying Glasses with Observations and Inquiries Thereupon (London, Printed by J. Martyn and J. Allestry, 1665). Robert Hooke's Micrographia is
30 Nov 2015 When Robert Hooke's Micrographia: or Some Physiological Descriptions of Minute Bodies Made by Magnifying. Glasses with Observations and Inquiries thereupon appeared in early January 1665, it caused something of a sensation. It so captivated the diarist Samuel Pepys, that on the night of the 21st,
24. Robert Hooke - Micrographia Read more about microscope, colours, transparent, pores, onely and particles.
Micrographia: or Some Phy?iological De?criptions of Minute Bodies Made by Magnifying Glasses. With Observations and Inquiries Thereupon. is a historically significant book by Robert Hooke about his observations through various lenses. It is particularly notable for being the first book to illustrate insects, plants etc. as seen
17 Dec 2014 Ordered, That the Book written by Robert Hooke, M.A. Fellow of this Society, Entituled, Micrographia, or some Physiological Descriptions of Minute Bodies, made by Magnifying Glasses, with Observations and Inquiries thereupon, Be printed by John Martyn, and James Allestry, Printers to the said Society.
Ordered, That the Book written by Robert Hooke, M.A. Fellow of this Society, Entituled, Micrographia, or some Physiological Descriptions of Minute Bodies, made by Magnifying Glasses, with Observations and Inquiries thereupon, Be printed by John Martyn, and James Allestry, Printers to the said Society. Novem. 23. 1664.