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The Rehearsal Eleanor Catton Book Review ->>>
After one of her students, Isolde, tells her she didn't practice because her sister got caught having sex with the school's music teacherAbout halfway through I resorted to reading the plot summary on WikipediaThe Drama Institute is a drama college for aspiring actors, and the girls' high school, Abbey Grange, is an elite private school.more flag 9 likesLike see review View all 4 comments There's always this little part of me that's not mad, that stays sort of calm and interested and amused.' (p.90)Oh I remember that so well! And this, I had a friend who did this:'This girl, Willa,' Bridget says, 'she was in my remedial English last year and heard me say mizled out loud and the teacher told me the right way to say it and we all laughed about it, because it was such a stupid mistakeThe saxophone teacher has some wonderful lines - acerbic, entertaining, faintly ominous, definitely creepyIn the first story a saxophone teacher becomes aware that Victoria, the older sister of Isolde, one of her pupils, has had a sexual affair with the music teacher, Mr
My wife typically asks how a book was once I'm done, and I say things like "It was good, except for x, y and z, and I don't think the author put enough thought into a, and I don't knowIt's not easy to forget the furor, the unending furor of shameless gossipsThe gaze never ceasesIt is the darkest and deadliest of their arts, that each girl might construct or destroy the image of any of the restAnd what was that with the saxophone teacher?!The non-linear narrative didn't make things easy, but it wasn't that much of a problem
Bibliography[edit]Put another way: I find it hard to believe any of the characters in this book would say a lot of the things they sayEvents Guide Multimedia Photography Video NYT Store Times Journeys Subscribe Manage My Account NYTCo Subscribe Subscribe Home Delivery Digital Subscriptions Crossword Email Newsletters Alerts Gift Subscriptions Group Subscriptions Education Rate Mobile Applications Replica Edition Site Information Navigation 2017 The New York Times Company Home Search Accessibility concerns? Email us at accessibilitynytimes.comThe most potent weapon that the girls of Abbey Grange have to use against each other is to define each other: wholl marry first? wholl cheat? It is the darkest and deadliest of their arts, that each girl might construct or destroy the image of any of the rest.And these examples all hint at Cattons main theme: performing, pretending, rehearsingThe saxaphone teacher is the most central character in the story and it is through her and her discussions with her schoolgirl pupils, including Victoria's sister Isolde, that we hear about the affair and its aftershock that has affected the lives of the girlsYou might also say that 'real' describes nothing in a novel, but that doesn't mean it has nothing to show usTaboos are brokenAnd she writes about homosexuality, without Writing About HomosexualityLife is a theatre of pretension and crueltyI wonder why she was in the story at all, especially considering how she left it
Had it not been stylized, however, the subject matter would have been typical contemporary sexual sensationalism, teen hormones and angstA subplot follows bland first-year drama student Stanley and his increasing involvement with a group of Abbey Grange students focused on staging a play that will also provide a convenient narrative collision pointNachdem ich von Die Gestirne so unglaublich begeistert war und noch heute oft daran denken muss, war ich hin und hergerissen, ob ich mich nun auch an den Debtroman der talentierten Eleanor Catton wagen sollteOverall, though, this novel was too experimental, too crowded with fancy narrative devices, too obtuse in an attempt to be clever - a promising author, a great debut, but some new authors just have to get it out of their system or something and stop over-doing itWe learned that there is a distinctionthat there is always a distinctionbetween the performance and the performer, the reality and the lieShe sits downIsolde speaks just like Julia just like the saxophone teacher just like the omniscient narratorI know it's supposedly about a sexual relationship between a music teacher and one of his teenaged students at an all girls school, I guess in theory that's what it's about, but in reality, well at least in my reality, it's a hot time jumping messIt was exciting because he stood to lose so much more 45e1f1341d