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Manual test cases for atm machine: >> << (Download)
Manual test cases for atm machine: >> << (Read Online)
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2 Jul 2017 2) Check out that the slot for ATM Card(depend up on that it is card intake ATM Machine or card swap ATM Machine) insertion is as per the specification. 3) Check out that is there any image or presentation that show that how the card can insert from proper side. 4) Check out that the font available on ATM
Test cases for ATM Machine - Download as Word Doc (.doc), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online.
Test cases for ATM Machine: 1. Successful inspection of ATM card 2. Un successful operation due to insert card in wrong angle 3. Un successful operation due to
2 Jan 2012 Atm should not accept the card and display a message "Sorry unable to process your request code 1234". TC03_Bank_. Money withdrawal_ verify. card insertion with valid cards in wrong angle. This test case to validate card insertion functionality with valid card in wrong angle. Step1. Insert invalid card of
Complete list of positive and negative test scenarios for an ATM machine.
transfer the money to a non existing shld not be transfered. transfer the money to an account to the same account noshld display error msg and many more test cases for atm. for coffee machine chk all the buttons are workingi.e if it is working led shld be glowing pressing button of hot water shld give
In this post, you'll find some ideas for the positive and negative test cases. Depending on the design of the ATM terminal, following positive and negative test cases can be formed. If you're familiar with the banks terminal, you may notice that there are always more test cases that you can check for and verify if the software
How to write a Scenario and test cases for ATM Machine or ATM Machine: 1)Check the whether we can able to access the atm machine entrance door . Anyone attended the manual testing interview with L&T infotech in recent past. please let me know the type of questions they can ask especially in PM round. Thanks.
28 Nov 2005 See What's the question asked here" Write the test cases for ATM in security point of view"? Not for whole ATM machine 1.Swipe card and press cancel button,it should be cancel 2.swipe card and enter invalid pin number,it should show an error message of wrong pin no. 3.swipe card and enter valid pin no.
1 Jul 2017