Wednesday 19 September 2018 photo 1/1
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Drive Sub Download
A drama about various people competing in an illegal cross-country road race.
The premier was excellent. Usually, I hate premiers; or at least don't go back and watch them if I can help it. They tend to have too much exposition for my taste. No problem, here. "Drive" was entertaining, and intense, and it fed me just enough information to keep me hopping from one character to the next, wondering if I'd ever decide on a favorite. I was thoroughly expecting to like Alex Tully (Nathan Fillion); but I'm already drawn in by at least 4 other characters. Up here (BC), the station that airs it also shows "Amazing Race" which invites comparison. I'd say the comparison is quite favorable. They hit the same tone and each does things and goes places the other can't.
I recorded the 2 episode premier of "Drive" for a friend who couldn't watch it last night and couldn't resist watching it a second time, myself.
When I first heard the concept, I doubted even Tim Minear could pull it off; but the first two episodes are a home run. I can't wait to see the next one.
Fresh new series! Not CSI or Law and Order Clone (finally). I watched the two hour premier and was nicely surprised. Then the next two episode really took off. The show kinda spins it's tires (forgive the pun) and then really hits you with a shocking scene or plot twist. Episode 4's car crash really catches you off guard. It should also be noted that this series has two main characters and a bunch of supporting actors. the two main ones being Nathan Fillion and his Dodge Challenger. Everyone else is just there to take up time and support the afore mentioned main characters. Very nicely down new series. I'll be tuning in weekly!