Thursday 14 December 2017 photo 11/15
Qsc waveguide: >> << (Download)
Qsc waveguide: >> << (Read Online)
Here's what my TD15M pair calls “home". 5 cubic feet of net internal volume, golden ratio dimensions and bottom vent to get a bit of vertical quarter-wave mode reinforcement. Initial Fb="32Hz", but might be adjusted after a subjective evaluation. All 18mm BB-ply with double-thick front and rear baffles. Simple
Find great deals for QSC Pl-000446gp Replacement Waveguide Horn for Hpr152i. Shop with confidence on eBay!
I just was surfing the parts express website and found that they are now selling the QSC 152i waveguide (
QSC Online Spare Parts store offers Amplifiers parts, Loudspeakers parts, Mixers parts, Digital Products parts, Accessories, connectors, Capacitor & more. Call QSC at 1-800-772-2834.
7 Jun 2012 Design goals: To build a speaker that can play beautifully and kick some ass when asked to. To build a sensitive speaker that can accomodate
14 Jun 2010 I think I have narrowed my driver search down to two finalists and one waveguide. The DE12 or DE250 with the QSC waveguide. Does anyone have any feedback on these or on the measurements below? Here is a link to their measurements. Matt
After nearly a year of intense negotiations, QSC has allowed Parts Express to become the exclusive distributor of the famed PL-000446GP horn found in the HPR152i and HPR152F 15" 2-way full-range powered speakers. The 90° x 60° waveguide is designed to be used with 1" bolt-on compression drivers such as the B&C
22 May 2009 QSC is providing complete parts lists for some of their speakers and you can order the parts online. This horn looks really interesting and only costs $30. It takes a 1" bolt-on CD and a 6.5" mid. A guy over at AVS just ordered some. They don't have parts listed for the DCS SC-2150 in the pic but the HPR153i
I have a couple of these waveguides (WG) and the Dayton D250P-8 compression drivers (CD). I first tried a passive crossover at ~1.5kHz to Beyma 15LX60V2. Used the Clio system and MLS measurements. I got the crossover to have a distinct 1.5kHz cancelation with the polarity of one of the drivers