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Skpnc instruction: >> << (Download)
Skpnc instruction: >> << (Read Online)
pic18 instruction set
pic instruction set
It has been already mentioned that microcontrollers differs from other integrated circuits. Most of them are ready for installation into the target device just as they are, this is not the case with the microcontrollers. In order that the microcontroller may operate, it needs precise instructions on what to do. In other words, a program
Автор: Nиколай () Дата: 06/10/2004 15:21 12-Bit/14-Bit Core Special Instruction Mnemonics
SKPNC. Skip on No Carry. BTFSC. 3,0. -. SKPNDC. Skip on No Digit Carry. BTFSC. 3,1. -. SKPNZ. Skip on Non Zero. BTFSC. 3,2. -. SKPZ. Skip on Zero. BTFSS. 3,2. -. SUBCF. f,d. Subtract Carry from File. BTFSC. DECF. 3,0. f,d. Z. SUBDCF. f,d. Subtract Digit Carry from File. BTFSC. DECF. 3,1. f,d. Z. TSTF. f. Test File. MOVF.
noted. Any unused opcode is executed as a NOP. The instruction set is grouped into the following catagories: Table B.5: 12-Bit Core Literal and Control Operations. Hex . SKPNC. Skip on No Carry. BTFSC. 3,0. -. SKPNDC. Skip on No Digit Carry. BTFSC. 3,1. -. SKPNZ. Skip on Non Zero. BTFSC. 3,2. -. SKPZ. Skip on Zero.
8 juil. 2010 S'il n'y a pas retenue (C=0), l'instruction suivante est ignoree et traitee comme un NOP. Sinon l'instruction suivante est traitee normalement. Equivalent : BTFSC 3,0 ;f=3 Registre STATUS ,b=0 bit C. < Precedent · Suivant >. Connexion. Identifiant. Mot de passe. Se souvenir de moi. Mot de passe oublie ?
I took the description from MPALC.TXT included with the software. SKPZ: SKIP ON ZERO SKPNC: SKIP ON NO CARRY When I am not sure of an instruction, I run it with the simulator and give values to the different bits. It is important that each instruction you are using, you master them. Good luck with your project. Jean.
В программе встречается команда skpnc Кто мне подскажет, что это за команда? Её нет в списке комманд ассемблера! При компиляции MPASM Assembler Содержание Reference Instruction Sets 12-Bit/14-Bit Instruction Width Pseudo-Instructions Alberto: sjt пишет: что значит "запудривать" ? если руку
skpnc == btfsc STATUS,C skpc == btfss STATUS,C skpndc btfsc ,DC skpdc btfss ,DC skpnz skpz etc see at MPLAB help file for those built-in definitions. WBR Dmitry. Tan Chun Chiek wrote: > > Hi,. > I have come across SKPNC and SKPC in some 16F84 ASM codes, apparently they look like instructions to me, but a
please can you explain what the instruction SKPC means on a pic16F873a thx!