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Sabotage Movie Hindi Free Download
DOWNLOAD: http://urllio.com/qyc7x
Members of an elite DEA task force find themselves being taken down one by one after they rob a drug cartel safe house.
A DEA special ops unit becomes involved in a large scale bust involving tens of millions of dollars. The bust becomes interesting when the group decides to take 10 million dollars for their own use. Things go sour when the money which was hidden turns out to be missing. The group eventually recovers from an internal investigation with another chance to salvage their reputation. But which organized drug group would forget about 10 million dollars? The bigger mystery is where did that money go?
This film is the logical output of a team brought up on Grand Theft Auto and Ghost Recon, to mention just two . The stylised action sequences are punctuated by poorly scripted 'cartoon' characters in 'cut scenes' and strung together by a wafer thin nonsensical plot so full of holes someone could get hurt. The level and frequency of bad language and general offence is totally unnecessary, it doesn't abate throughout the movie and has obviously been ramped up to create a degree of edginess to proceedings. It just becomes an embarrassment for the notable actors.
The writers constantly remind us of their lack of subject matter knowledge, from the outset they confuse the roles of DEA SWAT with DEA Agents (think Navy Seals vs FBI). These are two mutually exclusive types of policing that have been unrealistically crashed together to create the premise. Anyway, as such the team seem to go about their business in a sort of pseudo 'Sons of Anarchy' world between a scuzzi group hut and the local DEA office.
The cinematography (in the broadest sense of the term) cannot seem to create the visual parameters or syntax to allow the viewer to understand what is happening within a scene's environment. Therefore, a snazzy mansion party full of horrible dial-in non-American types, depicted at the opening to the movie, is strangely forgotten when our SWAT team go through the err....front doors and appear to go straight to into the err....basement and find the $2bn crime stash cunningly hidden under a err.....tarp, beautifully illuminated in the middle of a room. All the while, the Russian/Middle Eastern cheese and wine event in the house seems to be largely unaffected.
The dealer and owner of the mansion must have been very honest and exact in his last tax return as the DEA seem to know that $10m (0.5% of the $2bn) has gone missing, even after the team incinerate the huge pile of cash in order to cover up their actions. Arnie, the head of team, doesn't get in trouble for destroying the $2bn (IRS must have been delighted) but for the missing $10m.
The rest of the movie follows an incredibly well trodden double cross / team death format and barely warrants a summary. If you can make it past the pole dancing level, sorry, scene then you have done well.
There must be some 14 year old boys pretty worried about their Hollywood careers after this effort.
As a fan of Arnold Schwarzenegger and watching all of his hit movies from when I was a child, I keep rooting for him to make a big comeback on the silver screen. But it hasn't been much of a comeback at all for Arnie so far. Since his time ended as governor of California, he put his first 2 feature films out last year - The Last Stand and Escape Plan with his other aging action buddy Sylvester Stallone. Both fizzled at the box office. I don't think his latest film is going to do very well either.
In Sabotage, he plays a guy named "Breacher" leading an elite task force of macho roughnecks who work for the DEA. The film opens with them robbing a huge amount of money from a drug cartel. But something goes wrong, and soon enough we see members of the task force getting killed one at a time. Breacher's team needs to find out who's doing this, but it also causes them to eventually stop trusting one another as it could be an inside job.
The rest of Sabotage rarely rises to Schwarzenegger’s level, in large measure because the other characters (of which there are far too many) aren’t nearly as sharply drawn by Ayer and co-writer Skip Woods.
Lizzie murdered the members of the team because she accused them of stealing the money. a5c7b9f00b
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