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The Flight of the Angel Falls
by Quinn Orr
What happens when the alien race we make first contact with discovers Earth is the planet that murdered Jesus Christ, the Savior of the Universe?
Earth finally makes first contact when explorers discover an alien exploration vessel 70,000 light years in the Eta Carinae supernova. At a mutually safe location earth vessels meet to exchange information with the seemingly benign “Rovers," but when they discover Earth is the world that killed the Savior of the Universe, contact is broken off.
Neither race knows the position of the others' home world, but Earth’s government leaders fear that the Rovers will discover where they are, and mount crusades to punish them for killing their Savior, just as it happened in the Holy Land centuries ago. Controversy and violence rock the planet as many wish to stop all space exploration to avoid detection.
Then a cryptic invitation from the Rovers invites a contingency of believers from Earth to meet with them and determine if the other worlds will accept them as being worthy of association. World leaders put the team together, but the LDS faith is not included. A church member who works on a Rover translation project discovers a hidden message; they know of “Joseph, the son of Joseph" and wish to know if there are any followers of that faith. Through back channels of members, an LDS crewman is added to the expedition; Jacob Novak, a young navigator who was dropped out of the service after an emotionally traumatic accident, and the fate of Earth’s future in space rests in his uncertain hands.
Recommendations for "Flight of the Angel Falls"
"Quinn Orr explores first contact scenarios, trans-species communication, and "space doctrine" alike with all the verve of Gene Roddenberry or Larry Niven teaching Gospel Doctrine Class. This is unabashedly LDS science fiction in a vein that is both classic and astonishingly radical, and I hope we get a lot more like it."
D.J. Butler, Author of "City of the Saints"
"Orr delivers all the wonder and adventure of a great science fiction novel with a powerful spiritual and philosophical punch. Fans of LDS sci-fi won't want to miss this!"
Angie Lofthouse – Author of "Defenders of the Covenant"
"The main idea that's driving this story is one that has intrigued me for quite some time and I really like the approach."
Scott Bronson – Author of Darkness on the Edge of Light
"Fantastic Novel. I was totally caught up in it."
Pamela Carrington Reid, Author of "Remember No More, Something Familiar, Small Grain of Sand, and others.
What a page-turner! A story that is fascinating, engaging, mind-expanding and dramatic! I love it!
Chance Thomas – Online Gaming Composer:
Lord of the Rings Online, The Hobbit, Avatar, X-Men, King Kong, Riders of Rohan
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