Sunday 22 April 2007 photo 1/2
You're fat and you know it, You're ugly and you show it, You're eyes are blind, You're body smells, Every time you jump up you always fall down, Every time you walk you hit something, Every time you talk people ignore you You're fat and you know it, You're ugly and you show it, But I like you... ...I even Love you Take the hand that I'm reaching and follow me back to happiness
Comment the photo
Sun 22 Apr 2007 15:32
fint! var kommer texten i från? jag kände igen den men det e kanske omöjligt?
Sun 22 Apr 2007 15:33
d e nog omöjligt haha...d va en ja kom på igår när ja gick runt o sjöng xP, har dock inte skrivit ner hela men där e iaf en bit haha
6 comments on this photo