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The Free State Of Jones Full Movie In Hindi Free Download Hd
DOWNLOAD: http://urllio.com/r15h8
Set during the Civil War, Free State of Jones tells the story of defiant Southern farmer, Newt Knight, and his extraordinary armed rebellion against the Confederacy. Banding together with other small farmers and local slaves, Knight launched an uprising that led Jones County, Mississippi to secede from the Confederacy, creating a Free State of Jones. Knight continued his struggle into Reconstruction, distinguishing him as a compelling, if controversial, figure of defiance long beyond the War.
1862. A Confederate Army soldier, Newton Knight, is disillusioned with the war and its causes. He rebels and deserts the army, going back to Jones County, Mississippi. There he finds even more reasons to despise the Confederate cause. Over time he amasses an army of deserters, women and runaway slaves and turns Jones County, and a few neighboring counties, into an independent region, the Free State of Jones.
The Free State of Jones in which Newton Knight played by Matthew McConaughey struggles with the values of the confederacy. The death of his nephew and that the confederate army were taking supplies from poor townspeople pushed him over the edge enough for him to want to rebel against the Confederacy. In this film it shows the moral struggle between what Knight thinks to be right or wrong. When faced with this dilemma he looks to morals over barbarous actions. He eventually realizes that he doesn't want to be on the side in which it dehumanizes actual human beings. The movie overall was an 8. The acting is top notch and being based on a true story the accuracy was mostly all there.This movie is a very action filled American war story but, you can tell there are different moral messages also being portrayed.
I think, to many southerners like myself, the story told in the movie Free State of Jones was part of a hidden history. Growing up this stuff was omitted from our collective education. It's not hard to see why. It's a very ugly and insidious part of history. It's our nations most terrible war from which healing has been extremely longstanding
even still 150 years on. However, to achieve a freedom from future tyranny I'd say the movie's timetable works. The time is right because what lingers needs the transparency that allows a fuller healing through the art of the story told. To never repeat the mistakes of the past we must learn, and that involves honesty.
So, here we have a very different Civil War drama based on actual events. Instead of centering on great battles it explores the human drama that corrupt elements rather than any particular battle caused. While it's certainly true crimes were committed on both sides, the desperate elements operating within the Confederate movement were particularly ominous. Illegal conscription and seizing of property from those without a voice ran rampant. This is a climate which created many a defection, and here a subversive movement.
Newton Knight was turned in an instant and it galvanized what would follow. Knight's defection from the Confederate Army results in his spearheading a group of slaves and small farmers to secede from the Confederacy and form a "Free State of Jones" This is a powerful story which cost many lives ultimately prevailing when the Union won the war. Though it prevailed, the freedom it was promised was slow to come. Afterwards, even with new constitutional rights granted, norms were steeped in old traditions. A messy time for sure which was purposely written out of the collective history. I think this movie serves the basics well without getting mired in diatribes of moralities. Even with the story's slow pace the viewer gets a powerful history lesson. The characters ring true and their life and death struggle is eloquently unraveled.
Not since Matthew McConaughey came on the scene in the movie "A Time To Kill" has he had a more important role. I think it's one of his, if not his best, performance. He's not so much acting as inhabiting a man whose voice was silenced long ago. He carries that voice to a whole new generation and it speaks volumes. Perhaps the movie is a bit slow paced and long, even using the clunky device of segueing to a much later date's court case at odd times. But, these are small criticisms that do not take away from a forgotten history. The segueing part even reinforces how so much was to take so long to truly change. Overall, a masterfully constructed important story with great period feel and realism. I recommend it for all as it does entertain and enlighten. Yes, this many years on there's still a powerful lesson we should never forget and continue to seek that all important truest expression of freedom so many have given so much for.
After its bracing opening, the film begins to indulge the worst impulses of well-meaning liberal cinema.
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