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Shadar kai swordmage guide: >> << (Download)
Shadar kai swordmage guide: >> << (Read Online)
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18 Nov 2013 plus some magicy-smoke-goo-ectoplasm-whatever-shield I wish tribal tattoos wouldn't have this rediculous reputation Shadar-Kai Swordmage (err Scythemage)
4 Jun 2011 POWERS Basic Attack: Melee Basic Attack Basic Attack: Ranged Basic Attack Shadar-kai Racial Power: Shadow Jaunt Swordmage Feature: Aegis of Assault Swordmage Attack 1: Sword Burst Swordmage Attack 1: Greenflame Blade Swordmage Attack 1: Burning Blade Swordmage Utility 2: Host of Shields
You need quite an stat array to get the most of those wizard feats so I reached that a 16, 15, 13, 13, 10 ,8 is the best array to have, so you may have the weapon feats AND the wizard multiclass feats you would likely aim. I will now take a sample Mobility Build Shadar-Kai Swordmage/Wizard and explain it.
Shadar-Kai Swordmage (err Scythemage) by SirHanselot dark elf drow scythe armor clothes clothing fashion player character npc | Create your own roleplaying game material w/ RPG Bard: | Writing inspiration for Dungeons and Dragons DND D&D Pathfinder PFRPG Warhammer 40k Star Wars
Shadar-kai. Shadar-kai Monster Manual.jpg. This illustration of shadar-kai by Chris Stevens and Espen Grundetjern accompanied the race's description in the Monster Manual.
Player's Handbook · Edit. Dragonborn 3Star — The strength bonus is nice for assault swordmages, but intelligence is really the primary goal there. The racial power isn't likely to be needed, since swordmages have few area powers themselves. Their healing surge bonus can be a nice synergy with shielding swordmages.
6 Feb 2009 bonus to saving throws against ongoing necrotic damage. Blighting Power. Prerequisite: Shadar-kai; bard, sorcerer, swordmage, warlock, or wizard class. Benefit: You gain a benefit with any of the follow- ing attack powers you know. Booming Blade (swordmage, see FORGOTTEN REALMS. Player's Guide
22 Sep 2015 Two examples of the build are given. The first is a shadar-kai assault swordmage which can also use Polearm Momentum with its aegis of assault attacks (Booming Blade) thanks to the Sword of Assault paragon path. It makes use of Archlich to help increase damage after teleporting in with an aegis attack,
23 Oct 2016 Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ====== Drakkan, level 30. Shadar-kai, Swordmage, Blood Mage, Demigod Build: Assault Swordmage Swordmage Aegis: Aegis of Assault Divine Spark: Divine Spark Intelligence Divine Spark: Divine Spark Strength FINAL ABILITY SCORES