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Draftsight sheet tutorial: >> << (Download)
Draftsight sheet tutorial: >> << (Read Online)
Working with Viewports on Sheets. The Viewport command creates and controls multiple tiled views on Sheets, called Viewports. Viewports on Sheets are different than ViewTiles in model workspace which are created using the ViewTiles command. You can create, erase, move, copy, scale, and stretch Viewports on
2 Nov 2011
Configuring sheets After creating and activating a sheet, this must be configured with the next command. The PRINTCONFIGURATION command (click on the mouse's right-button over the tab, or File - Selection from Getting Started with DraftSight [Book]
Hello, Can someone please tell me how to change the sheet size in paper space? I belive DraftSight call it Sheet Mode? It is a basic function in AutoCAD, right.
21 Mar 2017 Printing a drawing to scale in DraftSight can sometimes confuse new users. So, over the course of the next few blogs, we are going to do our best to simplify the whole process for you. DraftSight has two distinct working spaces, Model Space and Sheet Space. Model Space is where you draw your design,
DraftSight and the DraftSight logos are registered trademarks of Dassault Systemes or its subsidiaries in the US and/or other countries. All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The information and the software discussed in this document are subject to change
11 Oct 2016 One of the hardest concepts for new users to grasp in DraftSight is the Model Space / Sheet Space concept. I'll be honest, it confused me for a while when I first came across it many years ago! But I was lucky, I had a good teacher and pretty soon, it was second nature to me. The simplest explanation I was
Creating and Managing Sheets. You can create a new Sheet or rename, copy, save, or delete existing Sheets. To create a finished drawing two different working spaces are provided: Model and Sheet. A Sheet is a page that allows you to set up a printout or plot of your drawing. You can create up to 255 Sheets of your
18 Oct 2016