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Can a taxi driver refuse to take a guide dog: >> << (Download)
Can a taxi driver refuse to take a guide dog: >> << (Read Online)
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25 Jan 2017 Muslim taxi driver, 43, who refused to pick up a blind man because driving his guide dog was against his religion is fined for discrimination. Charles . Leicester cab firm ADT Taxis said it was 'deeply ashamed' after mobile phone footage of their driver refusing to accept a fare from a blind couple went viral.
26 Jan 2017 A TAXI driver who refused to take a guide dog because it went against his religion has been fined for breaching equality laws. Blind Charles Bloch was denied use of a taxi for the second time last year, after the Muslim driver said he could not take the dog due to his religion. Charles and his dog were turned
The requirements are effectively the same.) Taxis. Taxi drivers must (unless they have a medical exemption):. • carry the assistance dog and allow it to remain with . team when you encounter an access refusal so we can advise you on next steps to take. Useful publications. 'Assistance dogs – A guide for all businesses'.
4 Jul 2016 Footage shows Charles Bloch, with guide dog Carlo and partner Jessica Graham, trying to get in the taxi in Leicester before being told by the driver that he will 'not take the dog' because of religion.
The law on Guide Dogs and Taxi's drivers refusing to take them. Taxi Legal. For many blind and disabled people, the use of a guide/assistance dogs are crucial to allowing them to navigate their way around towns Anyone with a private hire vehicle that refuses a guide dog can also potentially have their license revoked.
23 Oct 2016 Despite the frequency of access refusals - the law on where you can and can't bring a guide dog is actually crystal clear. Under the Equality Act, guide dog and other assistance dog owners should legally be allowed access to business and premises. There is also a special section in the law for taxis and
8 Jun 2017 'I'll never know precisely why the BMW driver refused to accept my guide dog, leaving me miles from home and alone in the rain. with a guide dog – but no words can describe just how crushed and assaulted I felt this week when an Uber driver refused to carry me with my guide dog in Hertfordshire.
26 Jan 2017 Mr Moss said: "Taxi drivers can be apply for an exemption from accepting guide dogs on medical grounds, but the driver has to apply to the council. "No application of this kind was made by the defendant." The court was told that ADT taxis did send an alternative driver to take the couple to their destination.
25 Jan 2017 Guide dogs and the law. Under the Equality Act 2010, it is illegal for a private hire vehicle to refuse to take a disabled person because they have an assistance dog, nor can they charge more. Drivers can apply to a licensing authority for exemption from carrying assistance dogs, but only on medical grounds.