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knowledge is called Vastu Sastra, or Vastu Shilpa sastra, or Vastu Nirmana sastra. It was employed to build Like any other ancient sastra, Vastu must also be understood, interpreted and implemented based The size of the rooms. According to the Tamil Manaiyadi shastram (Vastu Sastra), the room size has an impact.
The Archarya Family specialized in Temple Architecture & Vastu Shastra, The Sthapathi brothers Sri.K.P.Veezhinathan Acharya & Sri K.P.Umapathy Acharaya, dedicated their life for Temple Construction & sculpting Hindu Gods.
Vastu shastra languages Telugu, Hindi, Tamil, Kannada, English, Odissi, Gujarati, Marathi, Bengali, Malayalam, Nepali, Rajastani, Punjabi.
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to start the editing and publication of texts on Silpa. He gave a number of valuable suggestions in connection with . The Science is also called Silpa Sastra or “The. Science of artistic creation.' Silpa is derived from Sill - to We have a Tamil proverb “Kalam Seivadu Kolam. Seiadu" (smouth Q&uial.g., Gesirajub Q&ujurg).
SILPA-SKSTRA. CHAPTER 1. Origin of Silpa. From the primitive times man is always trying to express his innate idea of beauty. That is the supreme movement to which man is con- centrating all his attention. Though he was handicapped by end-less obstacles from the very beginning, yet he tried his best to give vent to that
The South Indian Hindu temple building design system. On the architecture of the Silpa Sastra and the Dravida style. K. J. Oijevaar b1090127. September 2007. Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands kenzooijevaar@gmail.com
a Vaastu shastra, known as Aintiram, often consulted by South lndian shilpis, particularly, the Tamils. It is not seen in the grammatical works of Tamil language also as. Kurinchi, denoting the hill and hilly terrain, Mullai - .. Silparatnakara. etc. all of them in Sanskrit. ascribed to. Mayan. The present work AINTIRAM which is