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Guide to processing personnel actions excepted service: >> << (Download)
Guide to processing personnel actions excepted service: >> << (Read Online)
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Career Appointment or vice versa, or from the excepted service to the Senior Executive. Service). c. A Provisional Appt NTE is the nature of action used for a temporary appointment to a continuing position when the agency THE GUIDE TO PROCESSING PERSONNEL ACTIONS recorded on the same action, document
(2) If the agency has internal regulations, an agency manual, or an employee code of conduct or ethics that provides penalties for violations or misdeeds, cite the agency regulation or the agency manual or code of Page 6 14-6 THE GUIDE TO PROCESSING PERSONNEL ACTIONS conduct reference in the authority block on the
THE GUIDE TO PROCESSING PERSONNEL ACTIONS. Job Aid. Instructions for Processing Personnel Actions on Nonstatus Appointments in the Competitive. Service, continued. STEP 7. Check The Guide to Personnel Recordkeeping to decide if any of the documents submitted with or created in connection with the action
Follow the instructions in Chapter 16 to document the return to duty and the instructions in this chapter to document the conversion. If the actions are being documented on a single Standard Form 52,. Request for Personnel Action (and Standard. Form 50, Notification of Personnel Action), enter the nature of action and
THE GUIDE TO PROCESSING PERSONNEL ACTIONS. Subchapter 4. Entry-On-Duty Process. 4-1. Appointments to Federal Civil Service Positions. voluntarily to accept an appointment in the excepted service. 5. Conversion is to an appointment under which the employee will have fewer rights and benefits. Conversion
THE GUIDE TO PROCESSING PERSONNEL ACTIONS action the agency would . period successfully;. - action to withhold a within-grade increase; or. - proposed removal from the Senior. Executive Service. Unless the employee was notified in writing BEFORE .. service or the excepted service. PNM. Reg. 351.603. 17.
voluntarily leaves the competitive service for an excepted sewice appointment under this authority, the employee must Sign a written statement in accordance with 5 CFR 302.102. Codes for Processing Personnel Actions for Schedule A: The following charts, contained within the Guide to Processing Personnel Actions,
Continued on next page Page 8 11-8 THE GUIDE TO PROCESSING PERSONNEL ACTIONS Job Aid #5. Instructions for Processing Personnel Actions on Appointments in the Excepted Service, continued STEP ACTION Prepare and distribute notices, continued: 9 Follow your agency instructions to distribute the Standard Form 50 copies.
4 Nov 2001 Chapter 11. Excepted Service Appointments. 11-39. Update 38. Processing Personnel Actions. November 4, 2001. Figure 11-1. Legal Authority Codes Used For Schedule A, B, and C Appointments (continued). For appointments under: Use Legal Authority Code: Sch A, 213.3102(z) .