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Fish with attitude egg color guide: >> << (Download)
Fish with attitude egg color guide: >> << (Read Online)
Egg Hatch Time: 6 Hours Egg Color: Pink Buying Price: 453 pearl. Selling Price: — Fish with Attitude - Cash Trait: Creative, Smart Level Requirement: 13. Fish with Attitude: Artist Fish Breeding guide. The Artist fish is two trait fish that requires two specific traits to be bred in your Fish with Attitude game. The traits for this fish
Egg Color: Orange Buying Price: 228 pearl. Selling Price: — Fish with Attitude - Cash Trait: Shy, Brave, Nice Level Requirement: –. Fish with Attitude: Party Fish Breeding guide. The Party fish is tri element fish. This means that the Party fish requires three traits in your breeding process to obtain. If you want to breed the Party
18 Mar 2014 Fish with Attitude: Griffin Fish Breeding guide. The Griffin fish is an ultra rare fish. To breed the Griffin Fish you must use the Astronaut Fish and the Designer Fish for a chance to get the Griffin Fish. When you breed these two fish together look for a 8 hours breeding process which will represent the Griffin
This means you need any fish with the Shy Trait, Creative Trait and a Nice Trait to be successful at breeding the Model Fish. Recommended combination is Fish with Attitude: Model Fish Evolution, Forms, Pictures, Eggs Chart The egg color of (so I think) Model Fish is slightly blue with a hint of sparkles or glitter I believe.
Explore Lacie Buchanan's board "Rare fish in fish with attitude" on Pinterest. | See more ideas about Rare fish, Attitude and Tortoise turtle.
Fish with Attitude is another monster breeding game on the apple iphone or ipad. In this guide, we will go over the various breeding combinations to help you get all the different fish breeds in the game. Please let us know if we have missed any of the breeding combinations. If you have found this Fish with Attitude breeding
Egg Hatch Time: 6 Hours Egg Color: Black Buying Price: 709 pearl. Selling Price: — Fish with Attitude - Cash Trait: Creative, Mean, Shy Level Requirement: 13. Fish with Attitude: Ninja Fish Breeding guide. The Ninja fish is three trait fish that requires three specific traits to be bred in your Fish with Attitude game. The traits for
This Fish with Attitude: Fish List Wiki Documents all fish that has been released into the Fish with Attitude game and has a complete list of Fish, breeding guides, . I managed to get a few rare fishes like, Rare Vampire (Red in color!), Rare Astronaut, Rare Clown, Rare Tough, Rare Crazy, Rare Brave, Rare Mean and Rare
Egg Hatch Time: 1 Hour Egg Color: Purple/Pinkish Buying Price: 103 pearl. Selling Price: — Fish with Attitude - Cash Trait: Shy, Brave Level Requirement: –. Fish with Attitude: Dreamy Fish Breeding guide. The Dreamy fish is dual element fish. This means that the Dreamy fish requires two traits in your breeding process to