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| stim
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>basically stim shaman (inb4 bragging nobody, patho liar). dexedrine is almost purely one hemisphere and excites the symp nerv sys, right? so your body will cool itself, to compensate/keep balance off since metabolism is being SPED up (homeostasis) theres no avoiding the effects of most amphetamines, with exception to. ITT: Music Videos Clearly made under the influence of CNS stimulants. I'll start us off: The Who - Can't Explain (made during their early full-on tweaked out mod phase) Chuck Berry- Maybellene(Chuck Berry is so high he doesn't know where he is.) >>283517. Its not even that they don't do much they're just such shit comparatively. Adderall feels like garbage on the body compared to ice even and yeah the euphoria is just not what I expect anymore. However it makes it good for functional stimming because I honestly like using ice to party more than. How much do you take daily? I feel like you would need to take more than enough just to help focus in order for you to sweat profusely... Everyone's different though. Use a spray deodorant? Wear a color that you can't see sweat stains on? What's the point? I've never smoked out of one that wasn't just a pookie I ghetto rigged to a bong, but I never pursued it further than that cos it just seemed pointless and wasteful. The vapor is already smooth as fuck, and seems like the water would make the ice that gathers in a stem normally way grosser if. Hey y'all, I was wondering what your experiences gaming on stims were like? First time I ever did it I played Dark Souls 2 doing cocaine bumps, and it really sucked because someone was asking me why I didn't have totally positive feelings about Dark Souls 2(although it's now my favourite Souls game),. Have any other stimulant users who are out there in the boring adult world ever thought that going to school on stims would be the tits? I used to hate homework and projects and shit, but if I had those resources while tweaking, imagine how much stuff you could do. 283524>> 283535>>. >>155870. You take high doses nearly every day? So you're saying you experience dementia while under the influence of DPH? Well, duh. But if you stopped for an extended period of time, I'd be very interested to see if you would fully recover or always have mental problems. I've had bad ADD my whole life but just powered through it (full-time student/full-time job as undergrad, kicked my ass enough to get a scholarship for grad school). It's been tough, though, and I've always kept one eye open for medicine that helped without being stimulant-based. Lately I've been using a. Hey everyone i have some questions for experienced meth users. I have recently been using meth and found that i barely need any at all to get to my desired level. im using it about twice a month. i only have to vape like 0.01g (like a flake) to get where i want to be. Maybe i am just very sensitive to stims? hi /stim/. im pretty green to the world of stimulants, on a little bit of adderall atm and i found a new love in cocaine. i love cocaine, but i dont think im getting good cocaine. and then i hear that the game is so fucked up today that youre lucky to get 20% pure yay in america. i live in the midwest, and not chicago,. /stim/ Stimulant Discussion. Board IRC: #drugs @; New to IRC?.. Hexen VS Meth by StimLioness !JM2DTgXfqU - Wed, 14 Feb. Tell me about it. I still have no idea what Stimlioness has ever done to those assholes. bunch of whiney cunts, hoping he'll stop if they keep crying to his face. the future faggots. >>284618. It's not exactly "legal" per se, it's already a CII medication, the same class of drugs as meth and prescription opioids. I don't think it ruins nearly as many lives as the latter, and it's an invaluable medication for people with narcolepsy. Is it overprescribed? Probably. Has it had a net negative. Is there a way to reverse the consequences of long term adderall abuse? I used 40 mg a day for a long time and it's been half a year since I've used. I am depressed an anxious, moody, unmotivated, and feel like shit. I exercise regularly and eat healthy now, but my brain feels fucked. Please help. ... 10 Feb 2018 15:15:28 EST ID:I+AMxxKp No.284401 Ignore Report Quick Reply. Expand. Hide Thread. File: 1518293728733.jpg -(1962195B / 1.87MB, 4032x3024) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size. 1962195. ALL HAIL THE BEST STIM Best effects (From the makers of the shittiest Vicodin). I cant seem to find any information or updated info in general about where to purchase substances like 3-FA or similar. Anyone here a regular buyer of RC's and know where to get them? I don't really want to be scammed seeing how that takes place a lot from what I have been reading. 283405>> 283423>>. I think I'm going to buy a bunch of this because I need to pass drug tests and can't do most stims anymore but damn that felt good. Must all be illegal especially since I'm 18 but the bottles were very nice but no way fda approved with no labels despite all these regulated herbs. I figure maybe I should stock. I post a lot on other boards mostly stim and opi but disso will always be my favorite drug class. Supa dupa smooth gonna watch a shit load of Star Vs The Forces of... It's been 15-20 years since the whole fiasco: Are you worried about brain damage from dissociatives? My history with stims is pretty barren compared to some other drugs, I don't like the comedowns or harsh edge feel, also hate getting sucked into a porn blackhole that's why I stopped doing adderall alone. I've done ritalin, addies, coke, mdma, mda, and prob some various random chems in dirty beans. /mdma/ Ecstasy Discussion. Board IRC: #drugs @; New to IRC?. I know MDMA is a stim and I know the crash is brutal (but again, what goes up comes down) . I also know your only. You feel energized but the blissful state it puts you in doesn't make it feel so "foreign" like other stims. It feels exactly as if it. 420chan Bans · @420bans. A public timeline of moderator actions on the Imageboards. The Internet. Joined August 2009.. SeVeNaD banned 282847 on /stim/ from all boards - Spam links for cracked Quickbooks? lol. 12:14 PM - 15 Nov 2017. 0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes. Reply. Retweet. A public timeline of moderator actions on the Imageboards. The Internet. Joined August 2009.. SeVeNaD banned 281542 on /stim/ from all boards - sources, slanging your bullshit, posting info.. just being a bad person. :( 7:46 AM - 31 Aug 2017. 0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes. Reply. Retweet. Page 7 Theme referanslar hasnt chan,,,, he said would hypothesis most Toibuprofen anddisplayed, to help resetboard irc drugs new. decidedmon lt assist ukchan wiki page" alt="420chan" align="left"> Tried hasnt chan,,,,. All the boards were renamed and Kirt had to hack the server to get it back or something equally 1337. 3. At a later time, Tinal got mad at Kirt concerning Sparto and killed the domain. They later hugged and made up. Rumors of alleged gay sex also arose but these were denied by the Admins. Cancer killing /b/ - User ID:n86+VzdR posting jailbait porn on /b/. Thread is also full of furries, a... View Gallery 30 Jan 2018 16:48:03 EST. Just a quick thought about /stim/ - Or any drug boards in general. I think forced anonymous would make tripfags less annoying. I post a lot on other boards mostly stim and opi but disso will always be my favorite drug class. Supa dupa smooth gonna watch a shit load. Tolerance builds up very quickly and takes a shit-long time to lose it. It is the same drug, but with another added. Dose measurements will be different of. Stim Chat. The reversal of Tolerance. This excellent post written by Gaben. You can find us on if you want to make the change from Reddit to Voat. Need a place to shamelessly turn simple ideas into walls of text? Just taking a break from a marathon fap session? Curious about dosages, drug. airdusters. 21-11-2016, 14:19. Meh. This reads like what someone tweaking for a week straight would write thinking it was the funniest most clever shit on the planet. (I've been there; try to guess the context of this picture.. ). LSDMDMA&. 01-01-2012, 22:59. Bumps of meth>lines of anythang else. for wat its worth this is what i call a little bump" class="" onClick="javascript:'/externalLinkRedirect.php?');return false"> dat methanfetameen of course. 420chan is an imageboard known for his large variety of drug boards and built with a self-developed piece of software called Taimaba.. think that I'M A MAD SHAMAN BRO!!! and burnt out hippies who really belong in /tinfoil/; /stim/ - Stimulants - Hey d00ds how do I get my doctor to prescribe me Adderall? Connor James. 420chan. What is this, 2005? Do they even still exist? 9 months ago. Parker Morris. It was mostly on the flip thread so far. The post in OP was removed on 420chan out of fear of reprisal, this one from their amphetamine board is still up." class="" onClick="javascript:'/externalLinkRedirect.php?');return false"> Post with 24 views. an old gem from 420chan's /stim/ This class of substances can be particularly dangerous when mixed with other types of substances, namely [[/hooch/]], [[/stim/]], and [[/benz/]]. Be very. [[Opiate withdrawal]] * [[/opi/]] * [[Opiate Potentiation]] == External Links == *[ /opi/ - Opiate board] [[Category:Drug Types]] [[Category:Opiates]]. Anonymous ID:1uatEXPa Sun 26 Feb 2017 15:42:58 No.114431478 Report. Quoted By: >>114428807 >, especially when they take adderall? lmao >>>>" class="" onClick="javascript:'/externalLinkRedirect.php?');return false"> Anonymous. View SameGoogleiqdbSauceNAO 1458162967169.jpg, 55KiB, 316x533. Post; Report; Media; View Same. Anonymous Tue Jul 4 13:33:59 2017 No.9013864. >>OP Or you could be a real man and do it the right way. 420CHAN. Advanced ip whois lookup 420chan service.Ornament!–420chan points5 points6 points months ago by about traffic revenues.So i wish to this rule occurs 420chan when.Agree and tries to scare 420chan you want the website revenue for website.Joining members; leaving members and rankings.Know 420chan. File: 1481373709343.jpg -(8865445B / 8.45MB, 3200x4092) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size. 8865445. Patreon: Deviantart: Old Thread: Thread wasn't bumping but you guys just couldn't let it. The element of a page is used to inform the browser and visitors of the page about the general meta information. The head section of the page is. Spam detected? Great, there are no words found on that are used excessively.. stimulant discussion. Claustrophobic Orange hey guys. one night while on the adhd stim concerta I edited this short film, La Cabina, with a basic dnb track my buddy made for me. Warning: All the content of this page originally come from This is only a. Did you know that ponies are strictly forbidden on 420chan and posting or talking about pones is a bannable offense? >>.. Just stayed on the drug boards and /m/ though, if that matters, mostly /stim/, never /weed/. >>. Showing Porn Images Pictures Galleries for Stimming bondage porn - - handy porn pics! , A handy place for porn pics! Stim Misc. damenleeturks Avatar. damenleeturks:#26219042. >>26219026. And half of them are dead already. sava2500 Avatar. sava2500:#26219059. 4chan 4chon krautchan ylilauta 7chan 99chan 420chan fchan hispachan 2ch 4chon has been down for quite a while :( joemdesign Avatar. joemdesign:#. ... Opchan /vg/ # 420chan 420chan-hooch.rrd 420chan /hooch/ 420chan-mdma.rrd 420chan /mdma/ 420chan-psy.rrd 420chan /psy/ 420chan-stim.rrd 420chan /stim/. >420chan. There's a good reason why most people don't want to touch that site. At the very least: if we can't have a /drugs/ board, how about a /high/ board? It could have your average thread about weed or pieces, but it wouldn't be focused on the drug itself. It'd be for anyone high or intoxicated in general. Showing Xxx Images Pictures Galleries for Electro stimulation pussy xxx - - Awesome fuck pix! , collection of the finest fuck pix! "In familie am avut oameni - copiii mei - care s-au drogat patru ani de zile. Povestea cu marijuana care nu da dependenta nu e adevarata. Marijuana de fapt deschide pasul catre celelalte droguri", a povestit deputatul PSD Matei Bratianu la Realitatea FM, care adauga ca ar vota impotriva unei posibile legi. PORÉM … E O BOTAFOGO … QUEM VAI SALVAR ESSE 'MARTIRIZADO' CLUBE ? ENQUANTO ISSO … AMIGUINHOS …";;;;;;;;;;;;; 0xxx..;;;;;;;;;; Το καλυτερο μη-ψυχεδελικο functional stim που εχω δοκιμασει ειναι η αμφεταμινη, oral ROA βεβαια και σε λογικες δοσεις. (οχι πως δεν καπνισα.. Αλλα γενικα μην ψαρωνεις, και στο 420chan συζητανε / ποσταρουν drugs και δεν ενδιαφερεται κανενας...; 117 :名無番長:2011/08/09(火) 02:26:57.88 O: >>116 結構な量だな(笑); 118 :名無番長:2011/08/09(火) 02:30:58.89 O: >>117 カトパンの白い腕にメモ5バツーンと へへへ 1.5gあります; 119 :名無番長:2011/08/09(火) 02:36:03.69 O: >>118 やっぱりな(笑) 良くそれだけ引いたな My brother sent this link to me by email, it made me lol, so I thought I would post: heroin + probably an mg scale so that i don't fucking die >crystal meth >ketamine >MDMA >DMT >all i... - "/biz/ - Business & Finance" is 4chan's imageboard for the discussion of business and finance, and cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Dogecoin. heavily dependent on which board; /weed/ and the like move hella fast while /opi/ and /del/ and the like are pretty slow, as well as some of the lifestyle and academia sections idk i think it's pretty active in the parts i care about, or active enough. package com.dxh.chant; import java.util.Arrays; import com.dxh.chan.Chan; /** * A board is a forum for discussing a specific topic. * * Example: * 4chan's Television & Film (/tv/) * 420chan's Pro Wrestling (/wooo/) * * @author dxh */ public class Board implements Comparable { private final String name, tag; private. 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