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Sybase open client client-library/c reference manual: >> << (Download)
Sybase open client client-library/c reference manual: >> << (Read Online)
It is a good idea to have the Sybase Client Library reference manual available when writing Sybase::CTlib programs. . with the original $dbh, so this is really only useful for interleaving cursor operations (see ct_cursor() above, and the section on cursors in Chapter 2 of the Open Client Client-Library/C Reference Manual).
Sybase, Inc. logo. Client-Library™/C Reference Manual. Open Client™ 12.5.1. Document ID: DC32840-01-1251-01. Last revised: September 2003. Start reading HTML About this book · View this book as PDF · Trademarks and copyright information.
Sybase, Inc. logo. Client-Library/C Reference Manual. Open Client™ 15.7. Document ID: DC32840-01-1570-02. Last revised: June 2012. Start reading HTML About this book · View this document as PDF · Trademarks and copyright information.
Specifically, DB-Library does not use environment variables to determine initial localization values and does not examine the libtcl.cfg file; however, it does examine the SYBASE and DSQUERY environment variables. For more information on DB-Library, see the Open Client DB-Library/C Reference Manual .
Open Client DB-Library provides support for older Open Client applications, and is a completely separate programming interface from Client-Library. DB-Library is documented in the Open Client DB-Library/C Reference Manual, provided with the Sybase Open Client product. Client-Library programs also depend on.
Open Client DB-Library provides support for older Open Client applications, and is a completely separate programming interface from Client-Library. DB-Library is documented in the Open Client DB-Library/C Reference Manual, provided with the Sybase Open Client product. Client-Library programs also depend on
compatibility with Sybase Adaptive Server® (called “SQL Server®" in versions prior to 11.5) and Open Server™ releases, as well as important last-minute information for DB-Library developers. •. The Open Client Client-Library/C Reference Manual describes. Client-Library. Like DB-Library, Client-Library is a collection of
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