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Cert farming guide planetside 2 server: >> << (Download)
Cert farming guide planetside 2 server: >> << (Read Online)
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planetside 2 cert guide 2017
planetside 2 cert guide
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how to get cert points in planetside 2
14 May 2017
8 Sep 2014 New player tips and tricks Spoonfork - Score 284,188 - 63 kills - 2 captures - 21 defenses - 11 hours 43 min played - 1,153 certs . as opposed to dropping ammo and finding a max to farm? just focus on being at biolab fights or finding an armour stand off.
22 Nov 2012 Disclaimer: The following calculations were made with the following remark; that the experience to earn 1 cert point was 500. But this may have changed to 250 xp per cert which effectivly doubles the amount of cert points! Also if you boost experience then you can probably in theory earn like 1000 certs per
17 Jul 2015 I know this has been asked many times, but I want a direct answer. What are some of the best/fastest ways to farm certs? My goal is to get 1000 certs in
14 May 2017
5 Apr 2013 Whether you're just getting started at Planetside 2 and desperately need some cash to get yourself started, or you want to get some costly unlock, you're you -are- going to be a little selfish and go for the certs instead of helping your faction strategically, but considering the number of players on the server,
29 Apr 2016 New types of fortifications may be purchased with Certs or DBC. All structures are much weaker while being constructed than they are when they've been completed, and at the moment, each structure type takes 45 seconds to complete. CURRENTLY AVAILABLE TOOLS AND CONSTRUCTS. Decon Tool
14 May 2017
This step-by-step starter guide is intended as a go-to resource for completely new PlanetSide 2 players. It will be useful even for Pick server. Generally, you should pick a server with the best ping for you. It is possible to play with 100-200ms of Internet Delay, but it won't be comfortable, especially in infantry combat.