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Download Full Movie Wild Card In Hindi
DOWNLOAD: http://urllio.com/r1ahy
When a Las Vegas bodyguard with lethal skills and a gambling problem gets in trouble with the mob, he has one last play...and it's all or nothing.
Nick Wild (Jason Statham) is a Las Vegas bodyguard with lethal professional skills and a personal gambling problem. When a friend is beaten by a sadistic thug, Nick strikes back, only to find out the thug is the son of a powerful mob boss. Suddenly Nick is plunged into the criminal underworld, chased by enforcers and wanted by the mob. Having raised the stakes, Nick has one last play to change his fortunes...and this time, it's all or nothing.
This film was so lame and I was genuinely surprised when it turned out to be as bad as this. This Film was stupid and it had No story.I thought Jason's film home front was better than this film. This film is so bad it makes Home front look like a masterpiece. IMDb classifies this as an Action Film? Well where is the Action?. There is None! It's a film about Talking!. This film tries to be funny and fails miserably and instead it just comes across as weird and stupid. So nothing works.the humour sucks the characters suck and the script sucks. The film was also Boring and it moved at a slow pace,so if you are expecting to see a fast action packed film I warn You DON'T Watch This Film or you will be disappointed.
I would not even class The film as a thriller let alone an Action film because there are no thrills and there is no substance to the film, in fact we barely even know anything about Jason's character other than he has a gambling problem,that's all we know because there is no character development,and when they tried to add emotion to the film and build characters it just felt forced and it did Not work. Jason's character Nick has a female friend who got attacked by three men and when she tells him what happened to her he doesn't even care! He just sits there and listens to her and then walks away?. "Wow that's some friend she's got there I wish I had a friend like that". His character does not seem to care about this women much which I found strange since they are supposed to be Friends.
I should probably mention I like Jason Statham as an actor but his character does not work in this film and he comes across as kind of shallow and selfish at times,not all the time but sometimes,also I did not care about the little guy he was friends with,we knew nothing about him and their friendship felt forced and fake and the performances were not convincing. Random characters were introduced into the film and you know nothing about them and don't care about them. The biggest problem with this film is the story There is not much of one and the fight scenes are few and far between I think there were only three at most,that's all I remember. I will admit watching Jason beat people up was Fun but that's IT because the story is non existent and the suspense and thrills are non existent. This is Not a thriller Folks this is a Boring crime drama with barely any crime. Jason does eventually go after the Men that attacked his friend but it took so long to get to that point that I got bored waiting and When Jason beats up the bad guys it just came across as Ridiculous and the fight looked so Fake.Jason Even throws a card at one guy and cuts his mouth with it??.
No I'm not kidding you he throws a CARD at the main bad guy and that's how he beats Him???. Jason then ties up the bad guys and his women friend gets her revenge on them and all she does is scare them with Scissors and then she leaves them there tied up and then her and Jason just walk away Casually like Nothing Happened!. What the Hell was That????. This movie was just Weird and it made no sense It was 90 % talk and maybe 10% action. There was No substance no story no likable characters to cheer for.you have Nothing. This Film also has some of the Lamest weakest Bad guys I've ever seen in a film. The main bad guy was a total Joke and he was not scary at all he was just laughable and Jason kicks his Ass easily. To sum things up this Film was Laughable also the music and writing sucked,I found this to be a poor turkey of a Film.
Well the first thing I should point out is that it's not really an action movie, in the traditional sense. There is action in it and two of the scenes in particular are joyous, violent, exciting, well shot, brilliantly executed and suitably cathartic but overall I would describe it as a character piece with a slice of crime drama and action/revenge film tacked on for good measure. I have read tons of reviews coming down on this movie, mostly criticising The Stath, and I have to say that they couldn't all be more wrong. The two best things about this movie are Statham and Simon West, the director. The third best thing is Vegas.
First though, let's get the bad news out of the way. The one thing the other critics won't say or do is criticise the Hollywood legend William Goldman who penned this film, the book it's based on and the Burt Reynolds version of the same story Heat from 1986. I, however, am not most critics. This script, which is almost identical in places to Heat, has no structure, pretty weak dialogue and never quite delves into the character of Nick Wild in the way the movie sort of suggests it should. Let me explain that last part. The film is made up of lots of little strands of plots. A crime story involving the mob and a battered woman's revenge, a wealthy kid who hires Wild to bring him out of himself and be more of a man and, all the while, Wild wanting to leave Vegas but also never quite being able to. None of which are ultimately, really important as they are all meant to just add up to a character study of Nick Wild who, we learn, is a well liked security expert/bodyguard/problem solver with a rough exterior but a heart of gold who has a little issue gambling. It's the 'throw enough bits in a pot and you'll be able to cook something' approach to screen writing. What depth, character and moments there are to be found are brought out by the collaboration of Simon West and Jason Statham, not by anything readily apparent in the script and the pair of them are superb here. It's a difficult watch though because it's not a standard narrative. The crime story sort of has a three act structure but not really and the film, if it was a traditional film, just sort of ends.
The other thing that threw me out of the film a little was the whole world Nick inhabited was populated by famous actors but all of them just showed up for one, sometimes two small scenes. It's an interesting way to cast a film but it did leave me sitting there thinking 'what the hell are they doing in here for just 5mins? that's a bit mad' rather than fully engaging with their characters. Stanley Tucci, Jason Alexander, Sofia Vergara, Hope Davis, and Anne Heche all just crop up and are gone almost as soon as they appear. They play such innocuous, nothing roles as waitresses, card dealers, a lawyer, a mobster... just random 'that guy' roles but being played by recognisable, fairly high tier, character actors. Due to the nature of the plot and the nature of the casting, when the film ends you sort of wish you could spend a lot more time in this world. I have heard this said by another critic but it's something I agree with, it's almost like a pilot for a Statham driven show on HBO or Showtime. It has that kind of plot and casting. A TV Show, I might add, I would watch every week. However as a film it does feel slightly like 90 minutes of set up and no pay off.
All that being said Vegas has never looked so 50s, shabby and cool. Simon West directs with the sure hand of an old pro while also putting in some welcome style and interesting editing. It has a 50s meets 70s feel, it's scored with groovy, slow versions of Christmas songs and it's very very cool. Nick Wild is also a great Statham character because while he can handle himself physically, and he does in some tremendously choreographed, beautifully shot, violent as all hell fight scenes, he also has a nice sense of humour, a strong moral principle and a weakness for the cards. It is only this last aspect, the gambling addiction that traps him in the purgatory of Vegas, that just doesn't come across very well. There's either not enough time spent on it, the script doesn't write it well enough or it just belongs in another movie like a "Leaving Las Vegas" style thing perhaps. Statham does his best to sell it though. If I had to pitch it to you it's Drive (the Ryan Gosling film) meets Leaving Las Vegas the TV Show pilot with Jason Statham.
I would say catch it on VOD unless you're a hardcore Stath head like I am. It does look kick ass on the big screen though, just saying.
Overstuffed and distractible, this episodic redo feels like a couple episodes of some Showtime series stitched into a feature.
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