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Cracked Worst Horror Movie Monsters ->->->->
Why it Could Have Been Scary Computers, robots, nanobots--technology has often played the boogeyman in horror films"Oh no, not my favorite hands!" If that wasn't enough Death Bed for you, feel free to enjoy this clip, in which two guys and one awesome mustache get attacked by a deck of playing cards, and then shoot themselves in the crotch repeatedly with a pistolLogin Home Articles Videos Columnists Photoplasty Pictofacts Personal Experiences Viral on Cracked Quick Fix LinkStorm Events Forums Game Of Thrones Categories Movies & TV Video Games Music Sports History Science Sex Tech News Celebrities Weird World Contact Us Terms of Use Privacy Policy Copyright 2005-2016 Cracked is a Scripps company brand This doesn't occur to the people in the film, however, as right in the trailer we hear one protagonist ask, "Why not go to the police?" only to be answered, "There's no evidence." Oh, so that's the reason they won't just arrest its assCracked is a Scripps company brand 2The Lift The Monster: Killer elevatorWe see Gingerdead Man's absolute failure as a movie monster demonstrated: In order for him to be scary, they had to arm him with a revolverReid Ross 146 08 759,568 Views 6 Famous People Who Are Quietly Super Nice In Person By Nathan Kamal, Dibyajyoti Lahiri 291 09 688,636 Views 6 Dumbass Military Decisions In Movies You Can't Unsee By Ryan Lichtenstein, James Netter, Michael Battaglino 395 10 681,690 Views 6 Ways You're Secretly Ruining Your Waiter's Life By Isaac Cabe 883 But some writers seem to struggle with this concept[Just to pre-empt those of you who are about to ask why we didn't call out The Day of the Triffids and its ridiculous huge, lumbering killer flowers, we already did that in this articlePeople are scared of crime, so you make a movie about a super-strong killer with a messed-up face behind a hockey maskGood news: She's totally eligible for workers comp8,424 views 50 5 Failed Sports That Were Clearly Created By Psychopaths By Seanbaby August 17, 2017 The '90s were a crazy time -- a time when we mixed arm wrestling with fightingGary only appears in the movie's first five minutes as the world's worst robber: He enters a diner, riffles through the cash register but takes no money, shoots people instead, gets caught and, in the end, is sent to the electric chairWe didn't want to seem like we were piling on.] For movies that are depressing for a whole other reason check out 5 Awesome Movies Ruined By Last-Minute ChangesHell, they could have made a scary movie about that insteadYou can change this preference belowThat was his own fault ad8db31bbd,362506528,title,Omsi-2-Full-Crack-Kid,index.html