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Waveguide mode filter: >> << (Download)
Waveguide mode filter: >> << (Read Online)
This has space saving advantages because the filter waveguide, which often forms the housing of the filter, does not need to be large enough to support propagation of the dominant mode. Typically, an evanescent mode filter consists of a length of waveguide smaller than the
In this paper, a structure using the optical leakage phenomenon is proposed as a relatively simple TM mode selective filter for optical circuits. The filter characteristics are discussed. In the TM mode selective filter discussed herein, a layer with refractive index higher than that of the waveguide layer (guided layer) is used as a
Titanium in-diffused lithium niobate index-tapered waveguides have been fabricated using laser-induced forward transfer technique for mode-filtering applic.
Abstract: Titanium (Ti)-in-diffused lithium niobate waveguide mode filters fabricated using laser-induced forward transfer followed by thermal diffusion are presented. The mode control was achieved by adjusting the separation between adjacent Ti segments thus varying the average value of the refractive index along the
A waveguide mode filter comprises a plurality of very thin, narrow, axially oriented resistive strips deposited on the inner surface of a dielectric lined waveguide section. The circumferential surface impedance of the strips is essentially purely reactive while the longitudinal or axial surface impedance has significant resistive
Abstract—A stepped circular waveguide dual-mode (SCWDM) filter is fully investigated in this paper, from its basic characteristic to design formula. As compared to a conventional circular wave- guide dual-mode (CWDM) filter, it provides more freedoms for shifting and suppressing the spurious modes in a wide frequency.
Absfracf—In order to suppress trapped-mode resonances and other disturbing phenomena related to the existence of higher-order modes in oversized waveguides, soitable mode filters are required. In this paper such filters are described for rectangular waveguides in which only the dominant HIO mode is wanted.
Abstract— A novel circular-waveguide dual-mode (CWDM) filter structure1 is proposed. The coupling between the degenerate modes in the same cavity is provided by an off-centered circular iris built in at the middle of the resonant cavities. Considering the facts of: 1) simplicity of mechanical process; 2) a potentially high Q
A circular waveguide mode filter is provided which comprises a circular waveguide consisting of an upper and lower semicircular waveguide sections and in which dielectrics or magnetic materials are disposed in either of the upper or lower waveguide sections or in both of them in a special spatial relation with them so that