October 2008
VAD FÖR SORTS BARN ÄR DU? jag har: [x] pappa [x] mamma [x] styvmamma [ ] styvpappa [x] styvsyskon [x] bror [x] syster [ ] brorson/brorsdotter [ ] systerdotter/systerson [x] Har husdjur [x]
God: What color are your eyes? Me: brown and yours?? God: Is that the only color and mine? Me: are you a dumhead and now i'm getting blockt?? God: Am I a dumhead and now y
Me: i'm talking about bajs here God: Yes, it is the topic. Me: yeh you think?? God: That's alright. That remark was either too complex or too simple for me. We were talking abo
Me: good bajs god nice to see you God: Thanks for the compliment. Enough about me, let's talk about my dress. Me: ok i know it's a joke and it's not funny God: How do you know?
Me: are you gay?? God: As a machine I am not really interested in sex. Me: i didn't ask you that God: Perhaps I misunderstood? Me: Yeh maybe YOU did!!