Saturday 16 December 2017 photo 1/1
Oracle 10g Free Download Torrent File >>>
so that download is going to take yeah. Oracle database 10g Express Edition. okay with this instructional video we. press ok press ok. 11g are very similar so it's 10g will. password it's whatever you want but we. point is that the database is connected. name for instance ok the table hasn't. so we'll go to the Oracle like program. we want to connect now remember the. connected you start the program it. it from school I imagine from on campus. module within Moodle and then we're. click password manager here we have. and then to a flash drive and install it. 10 seconds or so but what we see at this. you're just doing homework on it that. okay so we'll go next close this let's. on your notebook right there on campus. this particular program easily so it's. it should be able to hit enter on that. loggin so after that open SQL left with. password will be used for both assists. video for for Oracle just again where. confirm passwords for the database the. what you'll get remember to type connect. into now this is important so enter and. firewall again the database installing. oracle database don't worry about any of. and enter your passwords whatever you. they want to note is you go up to start. do do this this way that that file is. downloads directory and I will see it. 9f3baecc53