November 2010
Fulla och dumma, Ölen den skummar och fyllan kommer igen först ner i magen sen är det fart på dagen Djupt ner i puben där super dom än! HICK HURRA! För här kommer fyllebjörnarna! Snubblar ge
The manner of matter that splits with the words I breathe And as the rain drips acidic questions around me I block out the sight and the powers that be And duck away into the darkness
I wind up in a rusted world with eyes shut so tight that it blurs into the world of pretend And the eyes ease open And it’s dark again
Watching the wheels of cars that pass I look past to the last of the light and the long shadows it casts A window grows and captures the eye And cries out a yellow light as it passes me by
And while the insides change The box stays the same and the figure inside could bear anybody’s name The memories I keep are from a time like then I put on my paper so I could come back to them Somed
Happ, då är man förskyld som fan :o är hemma idag, ganska chill men inte kul att frysa hela tiden xD hatar det :O men men xD så är det när man går utan jacka xD ska nog börja göra det x)
Hahah min lilla spel hörna :) Vists är den vacker!? XD dock liten tv :( men annars äre skiiit bra :D
Ser ni älgen? :D xD haha väcktes av farmor som stod och skrek " ROBIIN! KOM OCH KOLLA PÅ ÄLGEN! " xD
makes no sense to play the game there ain't no way that you'll win pretend they ain't just make him angry with this shit and there was no one he could even aim when he's pissed it
Me, myself, and I For just a moment we were alive But we were living lies We'd been misfortuned by our minds
If all we ever know is being nothing deep down inside We'll just walk away, and I'm alone again, and I'm doing fine