Monday 18 May 2009 photo 2/5
My world is breaking away....
Love is like two sides of one coin!
Love can be such an extremly good felling,, It lifts your spirit to the heavens above
and you would do anything for your partner who is the most beautiful person in the
Your Partner! Who you can say anything to, talk to and laugh with, the person you have
so strong fellings for that you would do anything for him/her just to se her smile at you
even if it is just for a second. Your partner who you feel in love by the first minute you
saw him/her, your partner who you really can say "I love you" to and really mean it.
Just to think of him/her makes you feel warm inside and so happy to have him/her as your
own and no one elses, to be proud for having such a beautiful person, Holding your
armes around him/her, feeling his/her warmth close to me when we sleep and being able to
feel the taste of his/hers wondeful lips.
But then again. Love can be your worst enemy! Betraying you, lures you into an illusion that you
will never really recover from. Makes you feel like you are the most lonely person in the world
and even tho you are surrounded by all these wounderful friends, you feel so pathetic and weak
that you can't even look at yourself in the mirror in the morning without thinking "I hate myself!
What did I do wrong? Am I really that undeserving the love ive hopped so long for?"
If you ask me about what I think about love I would say "Don´t even botter, Its not meant for me".
Utan kärlek domnar människan bort och det var DU som sa "Det finns någon för alla. Även om det tar tid"
Sa jag de?O_o Minns jag inte men okay:O:P <br />
that you can't even look at yourself in the mirror in the morning without thinking "I hate myself!
What did I do wrong? Am I really that undeserving the love ive hopped so long for?"
Det är typ så jag brukar känna när jag mår dåligt, Men vännen, jag kommer alltid att finnas här för dig, vad som än händer, jag släpper dig inte! <3
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Skrivit av mig har jag gjort nu i alla fall xD
Tänk på det positiva i livet ist ;)
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Men det är inte lätt när man har så jävla svårt att gå vidare...
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