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Mondrian tutorial: >> << (Download)
Mondrian tutorial: >> << (Read Online)
Jun 9, 2016
Apr 15, 2014
Oct 21, 2016
Below a step by step instructions on how to create a simple Mondrian Cube using Pentaho Cube Designer. We will use the following snowflake architecture for the purpose of that tutorial: Snowflake schema example. The Cube will contain the following data: - 3 Fact fields – Sales, Costs and Discounts - Time Dimension
Oct 21, 2010
Jul 10, 2010 This post is a hands on tutorial on how to create an analysis cube for the Mondrian OLAP engine. Other possibilities include Pentaho BI-Server and a bare bones Mondrian/JPivot and PAT installation. The central table for an OLAP cube is called the fact table.
has an MDX specification; there's also a good tutorial in Database Journal.) This specification describes the differences between Mondrian's dialect and the standard dialect of MDX. Mondrian-specific MDX. StrToSet and StrToTuple. The StrToSet() and StrToTuple() functions take an extra parameter: Parsing. Parsing is
Sep 12, 2014
Jul 10, 2010 Hi there, just in case anybody is looking for a practical absolute beginner's tutorial on Mondrian, I wrote a blog post, that goes through the steps of creating a minimal Mondrian cube. Comments and
Sep 11, 2013 This tutorial will provide instructions on how to install Mondrian, an Online Analytical Processing Analysis Server, with Tomcat and Hadoop in BigSQL and enable users to analyze large quantities of data in real-time. 1. First, you will need to download the following: a) Download Mondrian 3.5.0 Developers