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Dpe guidelines on pay protection: >> << (Download)
Dpe guidelines on pay protection: >> << (Read Online)
Ashwini read this but look at DPE website I feel there r circulars on pay protection when some one changes between PSU. No. 121312009-Pay-I. Government of India Subject: Guidelines for fixation of pay of candidates working in Public Sector Undertakings. etc., recommended for appointment by the
From the application, the information sought is not clear. However, from the attachment it appears, you sought the information related to Pay. Protection of candidate working in CPSE, if joins the Autonomous body. It is informed that, DPE issued guidelines in respect of CPSE, therefore,. Para 6 & 9 on DPE's OM dated
The undersigned is directed to invite attention to DPE O.M. No. 2(10)/02-DPE. (WC) dated 14.03.2002 regarding ?xation of pay of executive when he/she is appointed to the board level post in a CPSE. This O.M. provides that the pay drawn by the executive in the lower post held by him/her on regular basis will be notionally
DPE/Guidelines/II(d)/1. Deputation of Pay fixation: A government servant selected for a post in a Central public enterprise will be free to negotiate his .. (c) Where CISF is not deployed and protection from specialized forces other than DGR sponsored security agencies is required, personnel of the rank of Inspector and
14 Dec 2012 Wing (IFW), and refer the proposal to DPE. DPE while vetting the proposal ensures that it is as per the extant policy being followed uniformally in all CPSEs. Although the guidelines of. DPE regarding terms & conditions, including pay'?xation, have been simpli?ed and are available on DPE website, it is
30 Jan 2012 Switching over from CDA to IDA pattern of pay scales. l. Issue of Bonus Sharesl weight of 1 in MoU ). DPE has issued guidelines regarding issue of bonus shares vide DPE OM. No. DPE/12(6)/95—Fin dated 10th November, 1995. it has been stated that the CPSEs having resources in excess of the 3 times
Pay Fixation. DoPT O.M. dated 28.07.2017-Guidelines for fixation of pay of candidates working in PSU etc., recommended for appointment by the Commission by method of recruitment by selection (93.8 KiB, 2,560 hits). Pay Revision/Pay Revision Committee. DPE O.M. dated 07.09.2017-Pay Revision of Board level and
Malkeet Singh & Ors. vs Union Of India & Ors. on 31 August, 2015. different from those prescribed in the DPE guidelines or where rates of increments higher than those provided had been adopted with the pay scales prescribed in the DPE guidelines with effect from January 01, 1997. 17. In its Forty-Fifth. Delhi High Court.
3 Aug 2017 No fitment or any other benefit of pay revision will be implemented in the CPSEs where the additional financial impact of Methodology for pay fixation: To arrive at the revised Basic Pay as on. 1.1.2017 fitment Recovery (HRR): Separate guidelines would be issued later on these allowances. Till then, the
31 Mar 2015 15. 6. 3. Recruitment to Posts in Public Sector Enterprises through national employment service-issue of revised guidelines regarding. [DPE O.M. No. 24(11)/96(GL-010)/GM dated 2nd November, Fixation of pay in the cases based on emoluments, of the board level incumbents. In CPSEs. [DPE.O.M. No.