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13 Sep 2010 The Shredder from Senshido. You have probably heard of it. It is an offensive form of defensive move that aims to disrupt an attackers expectations. There is a lot to this. We explore it in this post.
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Senshido is so much more than self-defense; it is a developed system that delves into the psychological triggers of violence, deconstructing the ego, and setting a foundation for comprehensive transformation of persons and communities. Richard Dimitri, Founder
In conjunction with. Defensive Measures International. Senshido Real Street Survival Skills Seminars. Brisbane, Queensland 14th & 15th March 2009. Richard Dimitri will be visiting Brisbane for the first time ever to conduct two of his internationally acclaimed survival skills seminars. The Shredder's Cutting Edge Seminar
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Senshido's The Shredder [Richard Dimitri] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Welcome to the Shredder.
The Shredder attacks all of the body's systemic weaknesses all at once. Devastating and overwhelming the body and mind's capacity to the advantage of the one skilled in deploying it." - Aaron Sawabi Unique to Senshido, the Shredder was discovered through comparison between real fights and how they were executed,