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Me interesimin e mikut te tij, Demir Viles, mbas ngjarjeve te 1920, ministri i arsimit Sotir Peci merr persiper m'iu nise vellezerve premtues 150 franga ari ne muaj. Peson nje traume kur vdes dhe e dashura e zemres, fotografine e se ciles e ruajti deri ne fund te jetes. Me 1922 Rexhep Mitrovica e sistemon mesues te gjuhes
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Drita e K ur'anit - Nr. 4 - 2014. 5. Director: Haji Vullnet MERJA. EDITORIAL BOARD: Prof. Dr. Hajri Shehu. Editor-in-chief. Sabrie FEZA. Vice-Editor-in-chief e zemres. Studimet me te fundit mjekesore kane zbuluar se falja ditore e namazit e sidomos, ajo e mengjesit ne kohen e vet eshte menyra me e mire per t'u sheruar
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On January 1, we celebrate the memory of our great father of the Church, St. Basil the Great. St. Basil the Great is honored as one of the greatest bishops and teachers in the Orthodox. Church. One of the most important ideas that he taught was that it is not enough just to say we follow Jesus, we have to show that we follow
27 Qershor 2010 Me daten 7 Prill 2010 diten e Merkur, Shoqeria. Islamike Shqiptare Australiane (SISA) kishte per ne vizit studentat shqipetar te klasave. Isamike (Mejtepit) te Xhamise Shqipetare ne. Dandenong. Alhamdulilah, ky eshte nje rasti i vacant historike per Shoqerin SISA ku ne te vertet ishte hera e.
Permbledhje e shkurter mesimesh e rregullash islame.