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Jorge Luis Borges. The Secret Miracle .And God made him die during the course of a hundred years and then He revived him and said: "How long have you been here?" "A day, or part of a day," he replied. - The Koran, II 261. On the night of March 14, 1939, in an apartment on the Zelternergasse in. Prague, Jaromir Hladik
A UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF INIQUITY (1935). Preface to the First Edition. Preface to the 1954 Edition. The Cruel Redeemer Lazarus Morell. The Improbable Impostor Tom Castro. The Widow Ching—Pirate. Monk Eastman, Purveyor of Iniquities. The Disinterested Killer Bill Harrigan. The Uncivil Teacher of Court Etiquette ---.
Jorge Luis Borges. The Secret Miracle And God inade him die during the course of a hundred Uears and then He revived him and said: “How long have gou been her??" "A dag, or part of a dag," he replied. - The Koran, Il 261. On the night of March 14, 1939, in an apartment on the Zelter?tergasse in. Prague, faromir Hladik
by Jorge Luis Borges. O God! I could be bounded in a nutshell, and count myself a King of infinite space Hamlet, II, 2. But they will teach us that Eternity is the Standing still of the Present. Time, a Nunc-stans (as the schools call it); which neither they, nor any else understand, no more than they would a Hic-stans for an
The Zahir. By Jorge Luis Borges. My friend Borges once described a Zahir, which in Buenos Aires in 1939 was a coin, a ten-centavo piece, with the letters 'N' and 'T' and the numeral '2' scratched crudely in the obverse. Whomsoever saw this coin was consumed by it, in a manner of speaking, and could think of nothing else,
JORGE LUIS BORGES. 1929: Segundo Premio Municipal de Li- teratura. 1944: Gran Premio de Honor de la So- ciedad Argentina de Escritores. 1949: Miembro de la Academia Goethea- na de San Pablo, Brasil. 1950: Presidente de la Sociedad Argen- tina de Escritores (hasta 1953). 1955: Director de la Biblioteca Na-.
18 May 2016 Con la mision de generar alternativas de cambio, hoy nos hemos propuesto compartir con nuestros lectores, una serie de 10 libros digitalizados del escritor argentino Jorge Luis Borges. los contenidos nos han llegado de varios lugares y es un menester que se puedan leer de manera gratuita estos
70 libros gratis en PDF sobre Jorge Luis Borges. Juanjo Dioses 12:06:00. Compartimos una invaluable coleccion gratuita de 70 libros, ensayos, y publicaciones digitales en PDF inspiradas en lo mejor de la literatura borgeana. Gracias a la Biblioteca Virtual Universal de Argentina y la Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de
Jorge Luis Borges. Ficciones. Hijo de una familia acomodada, Jorge Luis Borges nacio en Buenos. Aires el 24 de agosto de 1899 y murio en Ginebra, una de sus ciudades amadas, en 1986. Vivio, desde pequeno, rodeado de libros; y, entre 1914 y 1921, y mas tarde en 1923, viajo a Europa, lo que le puso en contacto con