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31. Jan. 2016 06 Paperworld 2016: Mitten in der Branche. The thick of it. Interview: Cordelia von Gymnich,. Bereichsleiterin/Head of. Consumer Goods and Leisure. 08 Paperworld Trends 2016/17. Ihr Blick in die Zukunft. Looking to the future. 10 Special Shows & Events. 30 Ausstellerliste. List of Exhibitors. 34 Hallenplan/
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Erfahren Sie welche Hersteller auf der Paperworld 2018 ausstellen.
Internationale Frankfurter Messe. Frankfurt am Main, 25.-28.1.2014. Ina Gerbig. Tel. +49 69 75 75-6082. Fax +49 69 75 75-5801 ina.gerbig@messefrankfurt.com www.messefrankfurt.com www.paperworld.messefrankfurt.com. PW_25_Fachschlussbericht_dt.doc. Fruhlingserwachen in Frankfurt: 2.967 Aussteller und 83.206.
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Welcome to Paperworld Middle East. The largest international trade exhibition for the stationery, paper, gifts and office supplies industry in the Middle East. Paperworld Middle East 2017-Show Highlights. Paperworld Middle East, including Playworld Village will return to Dubai in March 2019. The 8th edition successfully