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Download The Medal Of Honor: Allied Assault Full Movie Tamil Dubbed In Torrent
Medal of Honor Allied Assault drops you into World War II as American Lieutenant and OSS Agent Mike Powell. Using anything at your disposal, you will fight your way from Arzew to Omaha Beach, and then straight into the heart of the Third Reich. Collaborate with Maquis Resistance, SAS Agents, and fellow Americans to win the war!
Medal of Honor: Allied Assault drops you into World War II as American Lieutenant Mike Powell. Using anything at your disposal, you will fight your way from Arzew to Omaha Beach, and then straight into the heart of the Third Reich.
"Medal of Honor: Allied Assault" is in my opinion the pinnacle of the the series of "Medal of Honor". It also finally sees the series released on the ideal format; the PC. The PC is without a doubt the ideal format for FPS(first-person-shooter), since it gives you the best way of controlling your movement and aiming with a keyboard and a mouse. Graphically it is far superior to any of the previous versions, and also the current console-versions "MOH: Frontline" and "MOH: Rising Sun". Allied Assault really captures the feeling of fighting in World War II, and playing through it takes you to very different locations in North Africa, France and The Third Reich. One important note is that this is a very difficult game. It is a lot more difficult than any of the previous games in the series and the already mentioned console-versions Frontline and Rising Sun. Therefore it is safe to say that completing this game WILL require a lot of sweat, blood and tears. But when you finally complete this, you will by doubt think that it was worth the effort.
This is one of THEE best games i have ever played. Everything about it is perfect. The Single player missions are challenging while fun to do (with the exception of the sniper level where i wanted to put an axe through the monitor). The Omaha beach level (mission 3) is worth the price of the game all together. Just watching it being played is amazing. The sound in the game is amazing. Each sound is different depending on where a bullet hits, what a bullet hits, where you are and so on and so on. The music is some of the best i've heard in a game. It's suspenseful when it needs be, etc. etc. for each type of situation. Multiplayer can be laggy sometimes but it still makes for a hell of a good time. The Omaha beach objective-match level is amazing and hella fun to play with others. The AI in the game is very impressive. german soldiers will shoot around corners, throw grenades to fish you out, and lie down behind hills and hide in bushes. Very smart and well done.
I read many times about people complaining because there is no blood in the game. I don't see what the big deal is about it. Blood i don't say adds anything to the game, it's just as fun without it (EA i think also stated that german uniforms were so thick that blood would not be visible when shot, however this doesn't explain head shots).
All in all, one of the best games of all time.