Monday 16 October 2017 photo 2/15
Sas like statement: >> << (Download)
Sas like statement: >> << (Download)
sas does not contain
sas contains multiple strings
find in sas
sas =:
sas contains list
sas like operator wildcard
sas contains multiple values
sas sql contains
By combining both sounds-like operators and compare functions, SAS can (either SOUNDEX or =*) operator, SAS will pair every match that sounds even
I don't know if I am trying round peg through a square hole here, but I have a long select statement that includes a test for a string. The log
This article demonstrates how to use the LIKE operator with wildcards using both SAS Data Step and PROC SQL to enable you to conduct more in-depth
18 May 2011 Both the IF and WHERE statements can be used to subset data. The LIKE operator in a WHERE clause matches patterns in words. To get the
One way to derive a given subset is to use the SAS data step 'where' clause with the 'like' operator, e.g., "where upcase(drug) like '%ADVIL%';". Here we are
How satisfied are you with SAS documentation overall? The LIKE condition selects rows by comparing character strings with a pattern-matching specification.
14 dec. 2008 Comment dire a SAS de selectionner toutes les observations pour lesquelles L'operateur logique LIKE, utilisable uniquement une condition
16 Nov 2015 data want; set sashelp.class; where name like 'A%'; run; which is used in conjunction with the % wildcard operator to determine whether to
3 Feb 2012 NOTE: The SAS System stopped processing this step because of errors. And apparently you definitely cannot use the NOT LIKE operator.